🇦🇺 Fish Finger by Dezzi23
Fish Finger


6 months ago by Mark Totzke
Ouch!!! Did you get it out yourself?
6 months ago by Dezzi23
Had to go to Emergency to get it removed.
6 months ago by forrer
Yeoowww! Hurts to look at. Unfortunately, most fishermen and women have a similarly painful story. (So I won’t add mine!)
6 months ago by suzyhen
6 months ago by kingiFiddler
It's in there alright. No half measures there. Job well done ;-) Another vote for barbless hooks.
5 months ago by Rex_Ursus
Cut the shank and push it through😉
5 months ago by PT Edward fisher
Not as bad as a fishing spear prong threw my thumb while we were spearing trapped pike in a drying up stream (in my teens). Luckily the prong threw my thumb didn't have a barb on it. I hitched a ride 10 miles to town for a tetanus shot with my bloody thumb!
5 months ago by Forbesy
Thats a fingermark.

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