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Check out this video by Nomadic Kayak Fishing! This is the most epic and terrifying great white enco...

Has anyone ever used pufferfish (blowfish) as bait? The reason I ask is because they're such an anno...

Greetings. I consider myself a beginner at fishing. I'm in the USA. So far I find this site helpful...

Over the past week or so this story has been in the news. It is the first time I have heard about it...

Chinook (King) FishingMany people are realizing the west coast of Vancouver Island is the place to b...

I have just deployed lots of updates and upgrades and could use your help testing and reporting issu...

I was wondering what you guys normally do with all your fish heads. I know lots of people just throw...

Some time in the next 2 weeks or so I will be going to Ulladulla. Staying 2 nights maybe 3.Wondering...

This sounds a bit scary.Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs...Organised crime !!

Hey guys! Have you checked out the latest episode of Fishingreminder on YouTube?In this episode, we...