🇦🇺 Monster squid by Tradie141
Monster squid


6 years ago by Amelia Norris
wow awesome good catch
6 years ago by Tradie141
Thanks amelia
6 years ago by Mark Totzke
did you catch him with on a squid jig?
6 years ago by Tradie141
Yeah exactly just drifting out the back of my little boat
6 years ago by Mark Totzke
good effort. that must have been quite a big jig to hold this monster. I lost quite a few bigger ones because they were to heavy for the jigs. I could only pull them up until they were kinda perpendicular under the boat and then they got off and the little spike of the jig were old bent. I don't think they were as big as yours though.
6 years ago by Tradie141
Just a normal jig 15 grm cheapie He was decently hooked tho he thew his suckers over into the boat and latched on he wasnt goin anywhere King George Whiting season here in SA cant wait for the weekend Tight lines bud
6 years ago by Jeff Billing
When I am after squid (in small boat) I always have a net. Ease the squid into the net wait for it to release its ink and then bring it onboard and administer the coup de grace (nip its neck).

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