🇦🇺 Diamond Trevally by John Needham
Diamond Trevally


2 years ago by dazzling79
Well done! Did you catch it from the wharf?
2 years ago by John Needham
Yes I did. Took a bit of lifting up. Caught 2 more yesterday too. The 2nd one ragged me all around the pier. Put up a bloody good fight but I got him eventually.
2 years ago by dazzling79
OMG! Sounds like you had a great day out there! A lucky day as well, in fact, catching nice trevally like that from a wharf is not happening very often.
2 years ago by John Needham
I actually had a bigger fish bite me off before I landed those 2 so it was a good couple of hours. I was the only one out if about 8 fisherman catching anything. I was the only one on lures though. Not bad to say I've only been fishing about 8 months
2 years ago by sallad61
Hey John bet you caught the bug now?,welcome & enjoy the buzz 👍🐬
2 years ago by John Needham
Yes mate I have. Wouldn't say I was a good fisherman but I'm definitely getting better.
2 years ago by sallad61
Don`t have to be good mate,you learn as you go & never go without a feed&release what you won`t eat . Use the Moon Phases as your best friend john.😎👍

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