🇺🇸 Big Red for the morning by islandsurffishing
Big Red for the morning


6 years ago by xkacela
How long does it take to catch one of those & how frequently do they surface? If you have a website to recommend for your type of fishing, send me a link, please.
6 years ago by Crankbaiter
What a brute!!!! Congrats awesome catch!
6 years ago by islandsurffishing
Thanks! Depends on the day. I usually fish in the morning on Sat when I don't have to work and if I am lucky I will get two or three this time of year. They don't surface much till I get them in close.
5 years ago by goperch
Wow that’s huge! Nice.
5 years ago by islandsurffishing
Fun times the bull reds run from like Oct to Dec. The water is cold but the fishing is good.

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