🇺🇸 Northern Pike - Cochiti Lake, NM by Haukiman
Northern Pike - Cochiti Lake, NM


2 years ago by Mark Totzke
Wow, that is a real good one. Those pike are tough fighters, aye.
2 years ago by hat
Great catch, Is it a good eating fish?
2 years ago by Haukiman
Excellent eating if you know how to get out the Y bones!!
2 years ago by dazzling79
I tried to cook it whole, wrapped in tin foil on an open fire. It's got a lot of bones. But the meat is really tasty. ?
2 years ago by Gloria van der westhuizen
Don't get them near East Coast of South Africa. You mentioned Y bones. Must be similar to the Zambezi Tiger fish. Beautiful meat but the Y bones are a killer.

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