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From Elephant Fish to Kingfish: Discover the Best Fishing Spots in Christchurch, New Zealand

Are you looking for some fantastic fishing spots in Christchurch? While it may not be the first place you think of when it comes to top fishing destinations in New Zealand, there are actually some amazing spots in and around the city.

Although it may not be as productive during the colder months, there are plenty of different species to catch from spring to autumn. One of the main attractions is the white baiting season in spring, followed by the salmon runs in late summer to autumn. These are events that should not be missed by any fishing enthusiast.



However, there are even more fascinating and elusive fish to target around Christchurch, such as the elephant fish. This strange-looking, good-tasting, and strong fighting fish is an intriguing catch. In taste, it's a bit similar to a rig shark, also known as lemon fish or spotted dogfish, which is also worth targeting around Christchurch. They can grow to impressive sizes and are strong fighters, making them a thrilling catch.

Blue moki is another species that makes for excellent table fare and is a great fish to target on light tackle. It's a bit like the snapper in the north and is underrated, in our opinion. Skate is also becoming increasingly popular, and their wings make for fine eating. Additionally, there's almost always a good chance to catch some nice kahawai, flounder, banded wrasse, spiny dogfish, and red cod.

During summer, kingfish will come close to rocky structures around Taylors mistake and Akaroa. Targeting and hooking big kingfish with live baits is an unforgettable and nerve-wracking fishing experience. Barracouta can be a nuisance here as they are also suckers for live baits and trolled lures.

If you have a boat, heading out into the deeper waters and headlands around Akaroa will take you to productive fishing grounds for Blue cod and Hapuka (grouper). Furthermore, you can spearfish butterfish and moki or collect rock lobster with some free diving equipment.

All in all, Christchurch is actually a fishing mecca with a vast array of inshore fish to be caught. And if you get tired of saltwater fishing, you can head inland to get into some prime trout fishing country with countless rivers, streams, and lakes to choose from.

However, keep in mind that it takes quite a bit of driving and effort to get to most fishing spots as they are spread out a bit. The weather around the coast can also be a little unpredictable, and it takes some planning and preparation to find days with favorable conditions. If you're boating, currents, swells, and wind can be a problem, and often a bit of local knowledge and research is needed to keep things safe.

On a recent trip to Christchurch, we made a video about 5 of the best fishing spots in close range to the city.

Check it out in your preparations for an unforgettable fishing adventure!



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