Hampstead 🇨🇦
Nautical Twilight begins:06:19 amSunrise:07:27 am
Sunset:04:44 pmNautical Twilight ends:05:51 pm
Moonrise:09:59 pm
Moonset:09:51 am
Moon over:03:23 am
Moon under:03:55 pm
- Waning Gibbous
Distance to earth:402,686 kmProximity:7.1 %
Moon Phases for Hampstead
average Day
major Time:02:23 am - 04:23 am
minor Time:08:51 am - 10:51 am
major Time:02:55 pm - 04:55 pm
minor Time:08:59 pm - 10:59 pm
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Sat, 18 Jan
02:23 am -
04:23 am
02:55 pm -
04:55 pm
08:51 am -
10:51 am
08:59 pm -
10:59 pm
R: 07:27 am S: 04:44 pm |
R: 09:59 pm S: 09:51 am |
Waning Gibbous |
Sun, 19 Jan
03:14 am -
05:14 am
03:34 pm -
05:34 pm
09:05 am -
11:05 am
10:03 pm -
12:03 am
R: 07:26 am S: 04:45 pm |
R: 11:03 pm S: 10:05 am |
Waning Gibbous |
Mon, 20 Jan
03:54 am -
05:54 am
04:14 pm -
06:14 pm
09:21 am -
11:21 am
11:07 pm -
01:07 am
R: 07:25 am S: 04:46 pm |
R: - S: 10:21 am |
Third Quarter Moon |
Tue, 21 Jan
04:22 am -
06:22 am
04:55 pm -
06:55 pm
09:37 am -
11:37 am
11:07 pm -
01:07 am
R: 07:24 am S: 04:48 pm |
R: 12:07 am S: 10:37 am |
Third Quarter Moon |
Wed, 22 Jan
05:05 am -
07:05 am
05:39 pm -
07:39 pm
12:13 am -
02:13 am
09:57 am -
11:57 am
R: 07:24 am S: 04:49 pm |
R: 01:13 am S: 10:57 am |
Third Quarter Moon |
Thu, 23 Jan
05:50 am -
07:50 am
06:25 pm -
08:25 pm
01:20 am -
03:20 am
10:21 am -
12:21 pm
R: 07:23 am S: 04:50 pm |
R: 02:20 am S: 11:21 am |
Third Quarter Moon |
Fri, 24 Jan
06:40 am -
08:40 am
07:14 pm -
09:14 pm
02:29 am -
04:29 am
10:52 am -
12:52 pm
R: 07:22 am S: 04:52 pm |
R: 03:29 am S: 11:52 am |
Waning Crescent |
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Hampstead area
Beaches and Bays are ideal places for land-based fishing. If the beach is shallow and the water is clear then twilight times are usually the best times, especially when they coincide with a major or minor fishing time. Often the points on either side of a beach are the best spots. Or if the beach is large then look for irregularities in the breaking waves, indicating sandbanks and holes. We found 1 beaches and bays in this area.
Plage Lajeunesse - 12km
Harbours and Marinas can often times be productive fishing spots for land based fishing as their sheltered environment attracts a wide variety of bait fish. Similar to river mouths, harbour entrances are also great places to fish as lots of fish will move in and out with the rising and falling tides. There are 1 main harbours in this area.
Auberge Du Vieux Port - 9km
We found a total of 100 potential fishing spots nearby Hampstead. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Île de Montréal - 2km , Île de la Brunante - 2km , Pointe Stony - 6km , Lac aux Castors - 6km , Pont Latour - 7km , Pont Knox - 7km , Pont Honoré-Mercier - 7km , Pointe Picard - 7km , Île Dixie - 7km , Archipel d'Hochelaga - 8km , Baie de Quenneville - 8km , Pont Wellington - 8km , Pont Médéric-Martin - 8km , Pont Lachapelle - 8km , Pointe McDonald - 8km , Pointe Marion - 8km , Île à Desjardins - 8km , Île Tekakwitha - 8km , Île Perry - 8km , Île Paton - 8km , Île du Crochet - 8km , Île aux Chats - 8km , Île de l'Anse Bleue - 8km , Île Bushy - 8km , Auberge Du Vieux Port - 9km , Anse Sébastien-Cholet - 9km , Presqu'île Desnoyers - 9km , Pont Viau - 9km , Pont Louis-Bisson - 9km , Pointe du Moulin à Vent - 9km , Pointe Brown - 9km , Pointe Bell - 9km , Pointe Allan - 9km , Les Sept Soeurs - 9km , Île Rock - 9km , Île Du Tremblay - 9km , Île du Seigneur - 9km , Île Dorval - 9km , Île des Soeurs - 9km , Île au Diable - 9km , Cap Saint-Sulpice - 9km , Île aux Hérons - 9km , Étangs du Parc La Fontaine - 9km , Île aux Chèvres - 9km , Île Saint-Nicolas - 10km , Îles aux Sternes - 10km , Pont Champlain - 10km , Pont Victoria - 10km , Pointe Saint-Charles - 10km , Pont Jacques-Cartier - 10km , Lac des Cygnes - 10km , Pointe Johnson - 10km , Pointe du Havre - 10km , Pointe des Pères - 10km , Pont des Îles - 10km , Pointe de Valois - 10km , Île Mud Pie - 10km , Pont Marie-Victorin - 11km , Pont de la Concorde - 11km , Île Sainte-Hélène - 11km , Mare au Diable - 11km , Pont Kateri-Tekakwitha - 11km , Pont du Cosmos - 11km , Bassin du Pêcheur - 11km , Pointe Plate - 11km , Lac des Dauphins - 11km , Pont de l'Écluse - 11km , Pont du Canal - 11km , Île de la Visitation - 11km , Île de la Voie Maritime - 11km , Lac de l'Île Notre-Dame - 11km , Baie de Valois - 11km , Île à Boquet - 11km , Pont du Bassin - 11km , Île Notre-Dame - 11km , Pointe du Venture - 11km , Pont Papineau-Leblanc - 11km , Barrage de la Rivière-des-Prairies - 12km , Île Sainte-Catherine - 12km , Île Saint-Bernard - 12km , Pont Brébeuf - 12km , Plage Lajeunesse - 12km , Cap sur Mer - 12km , Pont de l'Île-Sainte-Catherine - 12km , Pointe Charlebois - 12km , Île du Cheval de Terre - 12km , Bassin de La Prairie - 13km , Pont du Boulevard-des-Écluses - 13km , Pont Pie-IX - 13km , Pont de la Sauvagine - 13km , Île de Roxboro - 13km , Pont Pinsonneault - 13km , Pont Saint-Régis - 13km , Pont des Adirondacks - 13km , Île de la Couvée - 13km , Pont Saint-Laurent - 13km , Baie Taillefer - 13km , Île aux Caleçons - 13km , Pont Bellefleur - 13km , Pont de la Montée-des-Bouleaux - 14km