Tangzha 🇨🇳
Nautical Twilight begins:06:01 amSunrise:06:56 am
Sunset:05:16 pmNautical Twilight ends:06:11 pm
Moonrise:06:34 pm
Moonset:08:03 am
Moon over:12:47 am
Moon under:01:18 pm
- Full Moon
Distance to earth:389,785 kmProximity:37.4 %
Moon Phases for Tangzha
good Day
minor Time:07:03 am - 09:03 am
major Time:12:18 pm - 02:18 pm
minor Time:05:34 pm - 07:34 pm
major Time:11:47 pm - 01:47 am
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Wed, 15 Jan
12:18 pm -
02:18 pm
11:47 pm -
01:47 am
07:03 am -
09:03 am
05:34 pm -
07:34 pm
R: 06:56 am S: 05:16 pm |
R: 06:34 pm S: 08:03 am |
Full Moon |
Thu, 16 Jan
12:37 am -
02:37 am
01:07 pm -
03:07 pm
07:38 am -
09:38 am
06:36 pm -
08:36 pm
R: 06:56 am S: 05:17 pm |
R: 07:36 pm S: 08:38 am |
Waning Gibbous |
Fri, 17 Jan
01:22 am -
03:22 am
01:51 pm -
03:51 pm
08:08 am -
10:08 am
07:35 pm -
09:35 pm
R: 06:56 am S: 05:18 pm |
R: 08:35 pm S: 09:08 am |
Waning Gibbous |
Sat, 18 Jan
02:06 am -
04:06 am
02:33 pm -
04:33 pm
08:35 am -
10:35 am
08:32 pm -
10:32 pm
R: 06:56 am S: 05:19 pm |
R: 09:32 pm S: 09:35 am |
Waning Gibbous |
Sun, 19 Jan
02:44 am -
04:44 am
03:12 pm -
05:12 pm
08:59 am -
10:59 am
09:26 pm -
11:26 pm
R: 06:55 am S: 05:20 pm |
R: 10:26 pm S: 09:59 am |
Waning Gibbous |
Mon, 20 Jan
03:32 am -
05:32 am
03:52 pm -
05:52 pm
09:23 am -
11:23 am
10:21 pm -
12:21 am
R: 06:55 am S: 05:21 pm |
R: 11:21 pm S: 10:23 am |
Third Quarter Moon |
Tue, 21 Jan
04:11 am -
06:11 am
04:31 pm -
06:31 pm
09:48 am -
11:48 am
11:15 pm -
01:15 am
R: 06:55 am S: 05:21 pm |
R: - S: 10:48 am |
Third Quarter Moon |
T'ang-cha,T'ang-chia-cha,Tangkiacha,Tangzha,Tangzha Zhen,Tangzhazhen Jiedao,T’ang-cha,T’ang-chia-cha,tang zha,tang zha zhen,tang zha zhen jie dao,唐闸,唐闸镇,唐闸镇街道
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Tangzha area
Harbours and Marinas can often times be productive fishing spots for land based fishing as their sheltered environment attracts a wide variety of bait fish. Similar to river mouths, harbour entrances are also great places to fish as lots of fish will move in and out with the rising and falling tides. There are 3 main harbours in this area.
Jiuwei Gang - 6km, Nantong Gang - 6km, Yingchuan Gang - 19km
We found a total of 64 potential fishing spots nearby Tangzha. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Zhagang Qiao - 0km , Tangzha Daqiao - 0km , Shilifang Daqiao - 2km , Dasheng Qiao - 2km , Yongxin Qiao - 2km , Gangzha He Qiao - 3km , Yongxing Heqiao - 3km , Lujing Gang - 3km , Lujingg He Qiao - 3km , Xinli Qiao - 3km , Chenlongwang Qiao - 4km , Chengzha Daqiao - 4km , Lujinggang He Qiao - 4km , Shuangqiaozi Qiao - 4km , Xingfu Qiao - 4km , Gaodunwei Qiao - 4km , Nanxiting Daqiao - 4km , Nantong Yinhe Daqiao - 5km , Tiansheng Qiao - 5km , Baihua Qiao - 5km , Nantong Chuanzha Qiao - 5km , Chenggang Qiao - 5km , Zhongxingang Qiao - 5km , Laosiwei Qiao - 5km , Tonglü Yunhe - 5km , TongLŭyunhe Yiqiao - 5km , Matanglu Qiao - 5km , Niuqiao - 5km , Wulicun Qiao - 5km , Tongyang Yunhe - 5km , Jiuwei Gang - 6km , Yinhe Qiao - 6km , Renganghe Qiao - 6km , Kangping Qiao - 6km , Rengang Qiao - 6km , Jianye Daqiao - 6km , Nantong Gang - 6km , Qinzao He Qiao - 6km , Shihua Qiao - 6km , Beihao Qiao - 7km , Muxing Qiao - 7km , Nanheng He Qiao - 7km , Tiexing Qiao - 7km , Xibeizha Qiao - 7km , Qixiu Qiao - 8km , Sanyuan Qiao - 8km , Xinglin Qiao - 8km , Yiqiao - 8km , Nangongyuan Qiao - 8km , Wenhuagong Qiao - 8km , Zhongyuan Qiao - 8km , Yingxiongjian He Qiao - 8km , Suobing Qiao - 8km , Jinglanmiao Qiao - 9km , Liaoyuan Qiao - 9km , Demin Qiao - 9km , Balimiao Qiao - 9km , Jianhe Er’qiao - 9km , Xiaoxi Qiao - 10km , Jiangxin Sha - 10km , Tongzhou Sha - 11km , Ruhai Yunhe - 15km , Yingchuan Gang - 19km , Tongqi Yunhe - 19km