Cotati 🇺🇸
Nautical Twilight begins:06:25 amSunrise:07:25 am
Sunset:05:14 pmNautical Twilight ends:06:14 pm
Moonrise:05:01 pm
Moonset:07:40 am
Moon over:11:45 pm
Moon under:12:20 pm
- Full Moon
Distance to earth:383,425 kmProximity:52.3 %
Moon Phases for Cotati
poor Day
minor Time:06:40 am - 08:40 am
major Time:11:20 am - 01:20 pm
minor Time:04:01 pm - 06:01 pm
major Time:10:45 pm - 12:45 am
Tide Clock
Tide Graph
Tide | Time | Height |
high | 02:10 am | 5.77 ft |
low | 07:14 am | 2.53 ft |
high | 12:28 pm | 7.78 ft |
low | 08:19 pm | -0.98 ft |
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase | Tide Times |
Mon, 13 Jan
11:20 am -
01:20 pm
10:45 pm -
12:45 am
06:40 am -
08:40 am
04:01 pm -
06:01 pm
R: 07:25 am S: 05:14 pm |
R: 05:01 pm S: 07:40 am |
Full Moon |
high: 02:10 am
, 5.77 ft
, Coeff: 67
low: 07:14 am
, 2.53 ft
high: 12:28 pm
, 7.78 ft
, Coeff: 118
low: 08:19 pm
, -0.98 ft
Tue, 14 Jan
12:16 pm -
02:16 pm
11:42 pm -
01:42 am
07:21 am -
09:21 am
05:11 pm -
07:11 pm
R: 07:25 am S: 05:15 pm |
R: 06:11 pm S: 08:21 am |
Full Moon |
high: 02:50 am
, 5.87 ft
, Coeff: 69
low: 08:04 am
, 2.43 ft
high: 01:14 pm
, 7.58 ft
, Coeff: 113
low: 08:58 pm
, -0.85 ft
Wed, 15 Jan
12:35 am -
02:35 am
01:07 pm -
03:07 pm
07:55 am -
09:55 am
06:19 pm -
08:19 pm
R: 07:25 am S: 05:16 pm |
R: 07:19 pm S: 08:55 am |
Waning Gibbous |
high: 03:28 am
, 5.94 ft
, Coeff: 71
low: 08:52 am
, 2.33 ft
high: 01:58 pm
, 7.25 ft
, Coeff: 104
low: 09:36 pm
, -0.59 ft
Thu, 16 Jan
01:21 am -
03:21 am
01:52 pm -
03:52 pm
08:22 am -
10:22 am
07:22 pm -
09:22 pm
R: 07:24 am S: 05:17 pm |
R: 08:22 pm S: 09:22 am |
Waning Gibbous |
high: 04:03 am
, 5.94 ft
, Coeff: 71
low: 09:40 am
, 2.23 ft
high: 02:41 pm
, 6.79 ft
, Coeff: 92
low: 10:11 pm
, -0.26 ft
Fri, 17 Jan
02:05 am -
04:05 am
02:35 pm -
04:35 pm
08:46 am -
10:46 am
08:24 pm -
10:24 pm
R: 07:24 am S: 05:18 pm |
R: 09:24 pm S: 09:46 am |
Waning Gibbous |
high: 04:36 am
, 5.97 ft
, Coeff: 72
low: 10:30 am
, 2.13 ft
high: 03:24 pm
, 6.2 ft
, Coeff: 77
low: 10:46 pm
, 0.16 ft
Sat, 18 Jan
02:45 am -
04:45 am
03:15 pm -
05:15 pm
09:07 am -
11:07 am
09:23 pm -
11:23 pm
R: 07:23 am S: 05:19 pm |
R: 10:23 pm S: 10:07 am |
Waning Gibbous |
high: 05:08 am
, 6 ft
, Coeff: 73
low: 11:23 am
, 2 ft
high: 04:11 pm
, 5.54 ft
, Coeff: 61
low: 11:21 pm
, 0.62 ft
Sun, 19 Jan
03:34 am -
05:34 am
03:54 pm -
05:54 pm
09:27 am -
11:27 am
10:22 pm -
12:22 am
R: 07:23 am S: 05:21 pm |
R: 11:22 pm S: 10:27 am |
Third Quarter Moon |
high: 05:39 am
, 6.07 ft
, Coeff: 74
low: 12:22 pm
, 1.84 ft
high: 05:04 pm
, 4.89 ft
, Coeff: 44
low: 11:57 pm
, 1.15 ft
Kotati,kwtaty, kalyfrnya,kwtaty, swnwma, kalyfwrnya,Котати,كوتاتي، سونوما، كاليفورنيا,کوتاتی، کالیفرنیا
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Cotati area
Wharf's or Jetties are good places to wet a line and meet other fishermen. They often produce a fresh feed of fish and are also great to catch bait fish. As they are often well lit, they also provide a good opportunity for night fishing. There are 1 wharf(s) in this area.
Foundry Wharf Business Park - 13km
Harbours and Marinas can often times be productive fishing spots for land based fishing as their sheltered environment attracts a wide variety of bait fish. Similar to river mouths, harbour entrances are also great places to fish as lots of fish will move in and out with the rising and falling tides. There are 2 main harbours in this area.
Petaluma Marina - 13km, Marina Business Park - 14km
We found a total of 32 potential fishing spots nearby Cotati. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Meadow Lane 1050-003 Dam - 7km , Colgan Creek Flood Control Channel - 8km , Matanzas Creek 1002-004 Dam - 10km , Lawler 1014 Dam - 12km , Lowrey Number 1 1424 Dam - 12km , Foundry Wharf Business Park - 13km , Laguna Lake - 13km , Ledson Marsh - 13km , McNear Peninsula - 13km , Petaluma Marina - 13km , Pond Number 2 1050-002 Dam - 13km , Annadel Number 1 1-070 Dam - 13km , Marina Business Park - 14km , South Saddle Dam - 14km , West Saddle Dam - 15km , Santa Rosa Flood Control Channel - 15km , Santa Rosa Creek Reservoir 1002-005 Dam - 15km , Lake Ralphine 1050 Dam - 15km , Lake Josephine - 16km , Vonsen 430 Dam - 16km , Silver Shoon Ranch 2422 Dam - 16km , Piner Creek 1002-002 Dam - 16km , Fern Lake 1-013 Dam - 16km , Lake Idell - 16km , Suttenfield 1-018 Dam - 17km , Mid Fork Brush Creek 1002-003 Dam - 18km , Cut B - 18km , Pinheiro 3429 Dam - 18km , Fountaingrove 1421 Dam - 18km , Salinger 1420 Dam - 19km , Dolcini 431 Dam - 19km , Neils Island - 19km