Crystal 🇺🇸
Nautical Twilight begins:06:33 amSunrise:07:39 am
Sunset:05:12 pmNautical Twilight ends:06:18 pm
Moonrise:03:50 am
Moonset:12:15 pm
Moon over:08:02 am
Moon under:08:35 pm
- Waning Crescent
Distance to earth:399,042 kmProximity:15.6 %
Moon Phases for Crystal
good Day
minor Time:02:50 am - 04:50 am
major Time:07:02 am - 09:02 am
minor Time:11:15 am - 01:15 pm
major Time:07:35 pm - 09:35 pm
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Fri, 24 Jan
07:02 am -
09:02 am
07:35 pm -
09:35 pm
02:50 am -
04:50 am
11:15 am -
01:15 pm
R: 07:39 am S: 05:12 pm |
R: 03:50 am S: 12:15 pm |
Waning Crescent |
Sat, 25 Jan
07:56 am -
09:56 am
08:27 pm -
10:27 pm
03:56 am -
05:56 am
11:56 am -
01:56 pm
R: 07:38 am S: 05:13 pm |
R: 04:56 am S: 12:56 pm |
Waning Crescent |
Sun, 26 Jan
08:54 am -
10:54 am
09:21 pm -
11:21 pm
04:58 am -
06:58 am
12:50 pm -
02:50 pm
R: 07:37 am S: 05:15 pm |
R: 05:58 am S: 01:50 pm |
Waning Crescent |
Mon, 27 Jan
09:54 am -
11:54 am
10:15 pm -
12:15 am
05:51 am -
07:51 am
01:57 pm -
03:57 pm
R: 07:36 am S: 05:16 pm |
R: 06:51 am S: 02:57 pm |
Waning Crescent |
Tue, 28 Jan
10:52 am -
12:52 pm
11:09 pm -
01:09 am
06:33 am -
08:33 am
03:12 pm -
05:12 pm
R: 07:35 am S: 05:18 pm |
R: 07:33 am S: 04:12 pm |
New Moon |
Wed, 29 Jan
11:49 am -
01:49 pm
11:35 pm -
01:35 am
07:06 am -
09:06 am
04:32 pm -
06:32 pm
R: 07:34 am S: 05:19 pm |
R: 08:06 am S: 05:32 pm |
New Moon |
Thu, 30 Jan
12:31 am -
02:31 am
12:42 pm -
02:42 pm
07:33 am -
09:33 am
05:52 pm -
07:52 pm
R: 07:33 am S: 05:20 pm |
R: 08:33 am S: 06:52 pm |
New Moon |
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Crystal area
Beaches and Bays are ideal places for land-based fishing. If the beach is shallow and the water is clear then twilight times are usually the best times, especially when they coincide with a major or minor fishing time. Often the points on either side of a beach are the best spots. Or if the beach is large then look for irregularities in the breaking waves, indicating sandbanks and holes. We found 3 beaches and bays in this area.
Grays Bay - 14km , Wayzata Bay - 14km , Grays Bay Bridge - 14km
We found a total of 94 potential fishing spots nearby Crystal. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Crystal Lake - 3km , Ryan Lake - 3km , Twin Lakes - 3km , County Ditch Number Thirteen - 4km , Lost Lake - 4km , Meadow Lake - 4km , Rice Lake - 4km , Lake Magda - 5km , Sweeney Lake - 5km , Twin Lake - 5km , Bass Lake - 6km , Eagle Lake - 6km , Medicine Lake - 6km , Palmer Lake - 6km , Pike Lake - 6km , Schmidt Lake - 6km , Wirth Lake - 6km , Birch Pond - 7km , Curtis Lake - 7km , Hidden Lake - 7km , Brownie Lake - 8km , Lake Camelot - 8km , Durnam Island - 8km , Hall Island - 8km , Chase Island - 8km , Boom Island - 9km , Cedar Island Lake - 9km , Cedar Lake - 9km , County Ditch Number Five - 9km , Edward Lake - 9km , Hampton Hills Golf Course Impoundment Dam - 9km , Hannan Lake - 9km , Locke Lake Dam - 9km , Nicollet Island - 9km , Pomerleau Lake - 9km , Sullivan Lake - 9km , Turtle Lake - 9km , Windsor Lake - 9km , Labelle Pond - 9km , Victoria Lake - 9km , Crane Lake - 9km , Cavanaugh Lake - 9km , Whitney Bridge - 9km , Fish Lake - 10km , Hart Lake - 10km , Hennepin Island - 10km , Highland Lake - 10km , Lake of the Isles - 10km , Locke Lake - 10km , Moore Lake - 10km , Parkers Lake - 10km , Saint Anthony Falls Upper Lock and Dam - 10km , Banfill Island - 11km , Lake Calhoun - 11km , County Ditch Number Seventeen - 11km , Saint Anthony Falls Lower Lock and Dam - 11km , Silver Lake - 11km , County Ditch Number Twentytwo - 12km , Gleason Lake - 12km , Meadowbrook Lake - 12km , Poplar Lake - 12km , Snyder Lake - 12km , Stony Lake - 12km , Coon Rapids Dam - 13km , Dunn Island - 13km , Hadley Lake - 13km , Lake Harriet - 13km , Lake Jones - 13km , Long Lake - 13km , Mooney Lake - 13km , Powderhorn Lake - 13km , Rice Lake Dam - 13km , Spring Lake - 13km , Cenaiko Lake - 13km , Cook Lake - 14km , Goose Lake - 14km , Grays Bay - 14km , Lake Harvey - 14km , Holy Name Lake - 14km , Laddie Lake - 14km , Langton Lake - 14km , Libbs Lake - 14km , Lydiard Lake - 14km , Mirror Lake - 14km , Mud Lake - 14km , Rush Lake - 14km , Wayzata Bay - 14km , Weaver Lake - 14km , Grays Bay Bridge - 14km , Libbs Lake Bridge - 14km , Highlands Lake - 14km , Breezy Point - 15km , Cedar Point - 15km , County Ditch Number Twenty-six - 15km