Fairplay 🇺🇸
Nautical Twilight begins:06:15 amSunrise:07:15 am
Sunset:05:18 pmNautical Twilight ends:06:18 pm
Moonrise:04:22 am
Moonset:01:16 pm
Moon over:08:49 am
Moon under:09:20 pm
- Waning Crescent
Distance to earth:395,116 kmProximity:24.8 %
Moon Phases for Fairplay
good Day
minor Time:03:22 am - 05:22 am
major Time:07:49 am - 09:49 am
minor Time:12:16 pm - 02:16 pm
major Time:08:20 pm - 10:20 pm
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Sat, 25 Jan
07:49 am -
09:49 am
08:20 pm -
10:20 pm
03:22 am -
05:22 am
12:16 pm -
02:16 pm
R: 07:15 am S: 05:18 pm |
R: 04:22 am S: 01:16 pm |
Waning Crescent |
Sun, 26 Jan
08:47 am -
10:47 am
09:14 pm -
11:14 pm
04:23 am -
06:23 am
01:11 pm -
03:11 pm
R: 07:14 am S: 05:19 pm |
R: 05:23 am S: 02:11 pm |
Waning Crescent |
Mon, 27 Jan
09:46 am -
11:46 am
10:09 pm -
12:09 am
05:16 am -
07:16 am
02:16 pm -
04:16 pm
R: 07:13 am S: 05:21 pm |
R: 06:16 am S: 03:16 pm |
New Moon |
Tue, 28 Jan
10:44 am -
12:44 pm
11:03 pm -
01:03 am
06:02 am -
08:02 am
03:27 pm -
05:27 pm
R: 07:12 am S: 05:22 pm |
R: 07:02 am S: 04:27 pm |
New Moon |
Wed, 29 Jan
11:41 am -
01:41 pm
11:25 pm -
01:25 am
06:40 am -
08:40 am
04:42 pm -
06:42 pm
R: 07:11 am S: 05:23 pm |
R: 07:40 am S: 05:42 pm |
New Moon |
Thu, 30 Jan
12:20 am -
02:20 am
12:34 pm -
02:34 pm
07:12 am -
09:12 am
05:56 pm -
07:56 pm
R: 07:11 am S: 05:24 pm |
R: 08:12 am S: 06:56 pm |
New Moon |
Fri, 31 Jan
01:11 am -
03:11 am
01:24 pm -
03:24 pm
07:39 am -
09:39 am
07:10 pm -
09:10 pm
R: 07:10 am S: 05:25 pm |
R: 08:39 am S: 08:10 pm |
Waxing Crescent |
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Fairplay area
We found a total of 66 potential fishing spots nearby Fairplay. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Westerman Ditch - 2km , Anderson Ditch Number 1 - 2km , Fairplay Mining Ditch - 2km , Anderson Ditch Number 2 - 3km , Columbia Number 1 Ditch - 3km , Weston Ditch - 4km , Anderson Ditch Number 3 - 4km , D F Miller Ditch - 4km , Crooked Creek Ditch - 4km , Miller-Chapman Ditch - 4km , Fourmile Number 9 Ditch - 5km , Park Ditch - 5km , Peart Lower Ditch - 5km , Peart Upper Ditch - 6km , Silverheels Ditch - 6km , Bonell Ditch - 7km , High Creek Ditch - 7km , Trout Creek Ditch - 8km , Alkaline Ditch - 8km , Wadley Ditch 1 - 8km , Warm Springs Ditch - 8km , Placer Ditch - 8km , Wadley Ditch 2 - 8km , Mosquito Creek Ditch - 9km , Rogers Ditch - 9km , Dyer Placer Ditch - 10km , Malice Ditch - 10km , Raynor-Edmonson Ditches - 11km , Miller Fourmile Ditch - 12km , Fourmile Ditch - 12km , Antero Feeder Ditch - 13km , Como Lake - 13km , O'Neil Ditch - 13km , Twelvemile Lake - 13km , Playa Lakes - 13km , Berry Ditch - 14km , Cline Dam - 14km , Sigafus Ditch - 14km , Bronlow and Stephens Ditch - 15km , Leavick Tarn - 15km , Guiraud Ditch - 15km , Tarryall Ranch Reservoir Number 1 Dam - 15km , Slater Ditch - 15km , Harlan Ditch - 16km , Kite Lake - 16km , Anderson Brewer Ditch - 16km , Burlingame Number 3 Ditch - 16km , Montgomery Dam - 16km , Nelson Ditch Number 3 - 16km , Prince Ditch - 17km , Nelson High Creek Ditch - 17km , Dunbar Number 1 Ditch - 17km , Cooney Lake - 17km , Kester Sweet Ditch - 17km , Elisha-Alden Ditch - 17km , Lake Emma - 17km , Fremont Ditch - 17km , Alden and Milligan Ditch - 18km , Packer Ditch - 18km , Crystal Lake - 18km , Link Ditch - 18km , Milligan Ditch - 18km , Platte Station Ditch - 19km , Whitten Ditch - 19km , Petrie Ditch - 19km , Wheeler Lake - 20km