Millville 🇺🇸
Nautical Twilight begins:06:11 amSunrise:07:10 am
Sunset:05:15 pmNautical Twilight ends:06:15 pm
Moonrise:05:15 am
Moonset:02:01 pm
Moon over:09:38 am
Moon under:10:05 pm
- Waning Crescent
Distance to earth:391,125 kmProximity:34.2 %
Moon Phases for Millville
average Day
minor Time:04:15 am - 06:15 am
major Time:08:38 am - 10:38 am
minor Time:01:01 pm - 03:01 pm
major Time:09:05 pm - 11:05 pm
Tide Clock
Tide Graph
Tide | Time | Height |
low | 02:53 am | 0.33 ft |
high | 09:37 am | 5.18 ft |
low | 04:05 pm | 0.36 ft |
high | 09:56 pm | 3.67 ft |
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase | Tide Times |
Sun, 26 Jan
08:38 am -
10:38 am
09:05 pm -
11:05 pm
04:15 am -
06:15 am
01:01 pm -
03:01 pm
R: 07:10 am S: 05:15 pm |
R: 05:15 am S: 02:01 pm |
Waning Crescent |
low: 02:53 am
, 0.33 ft
high: 09:37 am
, 5.18 ft
, Coeff: 113
low: 04:05 pm
, 0.36 ft
high: 09:56 pm
, 3.67 ft
, Coeff: 57
Mon, 27 Jan
09:37 am -
11:37 am
10:00 pm -
12:00 am
05:09 am -
07:09 am
02:05 pm -
04:05 pm
R: 07:10 am S: 05:16 pm |
R: 06:09 am S: 03:05 pm |
Waning Crescent |
low: 03:43 am
, 0.07 ft
high: 10:26 am
, 5.51 ft
, Coeff: 125
low: 04:49 pm
, 0.07 ft
high: 10:44 pm
, 3.94 ft
, Coeff: 66
Tue, 28 Jan
10:35 am -
12:35 pm
10:55 pm -
12:55 am
05:55 am -
07:55 am
03:16 pm -
05:16 pm
R: 07:09 am S: 05:17 pm |
R: 06:55 am S: 04:16 pm |
New Moon |
low: 04:31 am
, -0.23 ft
high: 11:11 am
, 5.81 ft
, Coeff: 136
low: 05:31 pm
, -0.2 ft
high: 11:29 pm
, 4.23 ft
, Coeff: 77
Wed, 29 Jan
11:32 am -
01:32 pm
11:16 pm -
01:16 am
06:34 am -
08:34 am
04:31 pm -
06:31 pm
R: 07:08 am S: 05:19 pm |
R: 07:34 am S: 05:31 pm |
New Moon |
low: 05:18 am
, -0.52 ft
high: 11:55 am
, 6.04 ft
, Coeff: 144
low: 06:12 pm
, -0.46 ft
Thu, 30 Jan
12:12 am -
02:12 am
12:26 pm -
02:26 pm
07:06 am -
09:06 am
05:46 pm -
07:46 pm
R: 07:07 am S: 05:20 pm |
R: 08:06 am S: 06:46 pm |
New Moon |
high: 12:13 am
, 4.53 ft
, Coeff: 88
low: 06:04 am
, -0.72 ft
high: 12:38 pm
, 6.1 ft
, Coeff: 147
low: 06:52 pm
, -0.66 ft
Fri, 31 Jan
01:03 am -
03:03 am
01:16 pm -
03:16 pm
07:33 am -
09:33 am
07:00 pm -
09:00 pm
R: 07:06 am S: 05:21 pm |
R: 08:33 am S: 08:00 pm |
Waxing Crescent |
high: 12:57 am
, 4.79 ft
, Coeff: 98
low: 06:51 am
, -0.82 ft
high: 01:21 pm
, 6.07 ft
, Coeff: 146
low: 07:34 pm
, -0.79 ft
Sat, 01 Feb
01:53 am -
03:53 am
02:06 pm -
04:06 pm
07:59 am -
09:59 am
08:13 pm -
10:13 pm
R: 07:05 am S: 05:22 pm |
R: 08:59 am S: 09:13 pm |
Waxing Crescent |
high: 01:42 am
, 5.02 ft
, Coeff: 107
low: 07:40 am
, -0.79 ft
high: 02:05 pm
, 5.84 ft
, Coeff: 137
low: 08:17 pm
, -0.79 ft
MIV,Millvill,Milvil,mylwyl, nywjrsy,Милвил,Миллвилл,میلویل، نیوجرسی
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Millville area
Harbours and Marinas can often times be productive fishing spots for land based fishing as their sheltered environment attracts a wide variety of bait fish. Similar to river mouths, harbour entrances are also great places to fish as lots of fish will move in and out with the rising and falling tides. There are 1 main harbours in this area.
Newport Neck - 19km
We found a total of 49 potential fishing spots nearby Millville. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Union Lake Dam - 1km , Silver Lake - 1km , Hankins Pond Dam - 2km , Beaver Dam - 7km , Menantico Dam - 7km , Laurel Lake Dam - 8km , Laurel Lake - 8km , Cumberland Pond Dam - 9km , Hances Bridge - 9km , Memorial Park Pond Dam - 11km , Rainbow Lake Dam - 11km , Toms Bridge - 14km , Clarks Pond Dam - 14km , Thundergust Pond Dam - 14km , Shaws Mill Pond Dam - 14km , Parvin Lake Dam - 14km , Lummis Lake Lower Dam - 14km , Rattlesnake Gut - 15km , Cranberry Gut - 15km , East Lake Dam - 16km , Cedar Lake Dam - 16km , Willow Grove Dam - 17km , Lone Tree Creek - 17km , Centerton Pond Dam - 18km , Sunset Lake Dam - 18km , Sheepkill Pond - 18km , Turkey Point - 18km , Lores Island - 19km , Johnsons Ditch - 19km , Iron Point - 19km , Hoffmans Mill Dam - 19km , Hay Gut - 19km , Jones Island - 19km , Marsh Lake - 19km , Nancy Gut - 19km , Blackbird Gut - 19km , Wallens Pond - 19km , Bradford Point - 19km , Newport Neck - 19km , Palatine Lake - 19km , Malaga Dam - 19km , Island Ditch - 20km , Fortescue Island (historical) - 20km , Lopers Gut - 20km , Indian Creek - 20km , Wave Creek - 20km , Pancoast Mill Pond Dam - 20km , Blizzard Neck Gut - 20km , Fortescue Neck - 20km