Whitesboro-Burleigh 🇺🇸
Nautical Twilight begins:06:15 amSunrise:07:15 am
Sunset:05:02 pmNautical Twilight ends:06:02 pm
Moonrise:05:48 pm
Moonset:08:07 am
Moon over:12:22 am
Moon under:12:57 pm
- Full Moon
Distance to earth:387,634 kmProximity:42.4 %
Moon Phases for Whitesboro-Burleigh
average Day
minor Time:07:07 am - 09:07 am
major Time:11:57 am - 01:57 pm
minor Time:04:48 pm - 06:48 pm
major Time:11:22 pm - 01:22 am
Tide Clock
Tide Graph
Tide | Time | Height |
low | 02:13 am | -0.43 ft |
high | 08:25 am | 5.15 ft |
low | 03:11 pm | -0.49 ft |
high | 08:54 pm | 3.74 ft |
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase | Tide Times |
Tue, 14 Jan
11:57 am -
01:57 pm
11:22 pm -
01:22 am
07:07 am -
09:07 am
04:48 pm -
06:48 pm
R: 07:15 am S: 05:02 pm |
R: 05:48 pm S: 08:07 am |
Full Moon |
low: 02:13 am
, -0.43 ft
high: 08:25 am
, 5.15 ft
, Coeff: 135
low: 03:11 pm
, -0.49 ft
high: 08:54 pm
, 3.74 ft
, Coeff: 76
Wed, 15 Jan
12:16 am -
02:16 am
12:49 pm -
02:49 pm
07:41 am -
09:41 am
05:57 pm -
07:57 pm
R: 07:15 am S: 05:03 pm |
R: 06:57 pm S: 08:41 am |
Full Moon |
low: 03:00 am
, -0.36 ft
high: 09:09 am
, 5.02 ft
, Coeff: 130
low: 03:55 pm
, -0.46 ft
high: 09:38 pm
, 3.74 ft
, Coeff: 76
Thu, 16 Jan
01:04 am -
03:04 am
01:35 pm -
03:35 pm
08:09 am -
10:09 am
07:02 pm -
09:02 pm
R: 07:15 am S: 05:04 pm |
R: 08:02 pm S: 09:09 am |
Waning Gibbous |
low: 03:45 am
, -0.23 ft
high: 09:50 am
, 4.79 ft
, Coeff: 120
low: 04:36 pm
, -0.33 ft
high: 10:21 pm
, 3.71 ft
, Coeff: 75
Fri, 17 Jan
01:48 am -
03:48 am
02:18 pm -
04:18 pm
08:32 am -
10:32 am
08:04 pm -
10:04 pm
R: 07:14 am S: 05:05 pm |
R: 09:04 pm S: 09:32 am |
Waning Gibbous |
low: 04:30 am
, -0.07 ft
high: 10:29 am
, 4.53 ft
, Coeff: 109
low: 05:16 pm
, -0.16 ft
high: 11:03 pm
, 3.67 ft
, Coeff: 73
Sat, 18 Jan
02:28 am -
04:28 am
02:58 pm -
04:58 pm
08:53 am -
10:53 am
09:04 pm -
11:04 pm
R: 07:14 am S: 05:06 pm |
R: 10:04 pm S: 09:53 am |
Waning Gibbous |
low: 05:14 am
, 0.16 ft
high: 11:09 am
, 4.2 ft
, Coeff: 95
low: 05:54 pm
, 0.03 ft
high: 11:46 pm
, 3.61 ft
, Coeff: 71
Sun, 19 Jan
03:18 am -
05:18 am
03:38 pm -
05:38 pm
09:13 am -
11:13 am
10:03 pm -
12:03 am
R: 07:13 am S: 05:07 pm |
R: 11:03 pm S: 10:13 am |
Waning Gibbous |
low: 06:00 am
, 0.36 ft
high: 11:49 am
, 3.84 ft
, Coeff: 80
low: 06:32 pm
, 0.2 ft
Mon, 20 Jan
03:57 am -
05:57 am
04:17 pm -
06:17 pm
09:33 am -
11:33 am
11:02 pm -
01:02 am
R: 07:13 am S: 05:08 pm |
R: - S: 10:33 am |
Third Quarter Moon |
high: 12:31 am
, 3.58 ft
, Coeff: 69
low: 06:50 am
, 0.59 ft
high: 12:32 pm
, 3.48 ft
, Coeff: 65
low: 07:10 pm
, 0.36 ft
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Whitesboro-Burleigh area
Beaches and Bays are ideal places for land-based fishing. If the beach is shallow and the water is clear then twilight times are usually the best times, especially when they coincide with a major or minor fishing time. Often the points on either side of a beach are the best spots. Or if the beach is large then look for irregularities in the breaking waves, indicating sandbanks and holes. We found 10 beaches and bays in this area.
Sunray Beach - 6km , Side o' th' Bay - 6km , Genesis Bay - 6km , Beach Creek - 6km , Beach Creek Point - 6km , Miami Beach - 7km , Kimbles Beach - 7km , Carnival Bay - 8km , Five Mile Beach - 8km , Sanctuary Bay - 8km
We found a total of 100 potential fishing spots nearby Whitesboro-Burleigh. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Slaughter Gut - 3km , Kay Pond - 3km , Wishbone Island - 4km , Warren Point - 4km , Brothers Creek - 4km , Buck Island - 4km , Richardson Sound - 4km , Race Cove - 4km , Pennsylvania Ponds - 4km , Old Turtle Point - 4km , Little Turtle Gut - 4km , Devils Wedge - 4km , Jimmys Point - 4km , Jenkins Point - 4km , Ike's Point - 4km , Hann Cove - 4km , Hammock Creek - 4km , Go Through Creek - 4km , West Island - 5km , Turtle Gut - 5km , Taugh Point - 5km , Rachael Creek - 5km , Pierces Point Pond - 5km , Phillip Shields Islands - 5km , No Mans Island - 5km , Middle Thorofare Island - 5km , Drum Island - 5km , Drum Island Gut - 5km , Jenkins Sound - 5km , Hickory Island - 5km , Hann Point - 5km , Firman Island - 5km , Grassy Sound - 5km , Anglesea Island - 6km , Wildwood Canal - 6km , White Island Point - 6km , White Island - 6km , Taylor Sound - 6km , Sunray Beach - 6km , Stites Creek - 6km , Side o' th' Bay - 6km , Shooting Island - 6km , Oyster Creek Point - 6km , Nummy Island Creek - 6km , North Channel Pond - 6km , Nichols Point - 6km , Mud Creek Point - 6km , Little Sound - 6km , Haulover Point - 6km , Gunners Point - 6km , Grassy Point - 6km , Genesis Bay - 6km , Balson Point - 6km , Beach Creek - 6km , Beach Creek Point - 6km , Crooked Thorofare Cove - 6km , Crooked Thorofare Point - 6km , Crookhorn Creek - 6km , Dead Thorofare Point - 6km , Bluefish Creek - 6km , Mat Gut - 7km , Ring Island Creek - 7km , Ring Island - 7km , Seven Mile Point - 7km , Champagne Island - 7km , Shaw Island - 7km , Outer Island - 7km , Ottens Harbor - 7km , Ottens Canal - 7km , Skeeter Island - 7km , Old Turtle Creek - 7km , Crooked Creek - 7km , Nummy Island - 7km , Narrows Point - 7km , Mud Island - 7km , Miller Pond - 7km , Miami Beach - 7km , Ludlum Pond - 7km , Stingaree Point - 7km , Stone Harbor Bridge - 7km , Stone Harbor Canal - 7km , Little Scotch Bonnet - 7km , Kimbles Beach - 7km , Folly Point - 7km , Voorhees Creek - 7km , Hoffman Canal - 7km , Hereford Inlet - 7km , Harbor Canal - 7km , Ephraim Island - 7km , Fort Point - 7km , Go Through Gut - 7km , Go Through Thorofare - 7km , Carnival Bay - 8km , Oyster Creek - 8km , Five Mile Beach - 8km , Scotch Bonnet Bridge - 8km , Sanctuary Bay - 8km , Nancys Bridge - 8km , Sand Marsh Cove - 8km , Cresse Island - 8km