Fishingreminder Articles and News

Video on How the Moon affects Fishing

In this awesome video by Doug Hannon, Dough describes how the Moon affects fish feeding activity.  Doug is also know as the Bass Professor and surely knows what he is talking about. He talks sp...

Fish Feeding Times Depend on Moon and Sun

Mike from the Bow River Blog has written an interesting Article about the lunar influence on fish feeding times. He asks questions such as which mooncycle is best and explains his own experiences wit...

Do Fish Follow A Feeding Schedule?

Ronnie Garrison has published a nice article at, talking about fish feeding times.He is looking into the question if fish follow a certain pattern when they feed.Particularly he mentions the...


Today I have added a comment module to the frontpage.I hope everyone is enjoying the application so far I and it would be nice to hear some feedback from you guys.I have been working very hard to get...

How Fishing Reminder works

What are the Best Fishing Times? One of the most frequently asked questions of fishermen around the world is:"When is the best time to go fishing?" Fishing Reminder not only aims to provide an answe...

Filleting 2

Another Video Tutorial to teach you how to fillet a fish.Great for beginners.  

Filleting 1

This Video shows you how to fillet a fish in an efficient way.  

Knot Tutorial - Palomar Knot, the Clinch Knot and the Double Uni Knot

This great video tutorial shows you how to tie different essential fishing knots. It covers the Palomar Knot, the Clinch Knot and the Double Uni Knot.


If you Register as a member you can save your favorite fishing location.You can also view a monthly calendar of best fishing times. And most importantly you can set up email reminders so that you won...


The Idea  The Idea of creating a website that could automatically remind me and you of good fishing days came to me one day when I spent another day out on my kayak without a single...