Category: General Fishing Knowledge

WHY you should start KAYAK FISHING in 2022

In the video below, we give you 5 reasons why we think you should get into kayak fishing this year.  With fuel prices through the roof - do you really want to spend all your hard-earned cash...

Fishing at a mussel farm - should you use mussels for bait?

We wanted to find out if mussels are the best bait to use at a mussel farm.   At low tide, mussels can often be found on the rocky shorelines near mussel farms.   It’s easier to pr...

Keeping a fishing diary

A fishing diary is used for recording information about your fishing trips and catches. This information includes the date of fishing, exact location, type of fish, number of fish caught, weather, lur...

Bass Fishing Tips

Bass are one of the greatest fish species to catch. Once seen, their appearance will never be forgotten. Their color sometimes changes according to habitat. Although the belly is always silvery-white,...

Where to Fish During the Full Moon

One of the truly best times to night fish is during the full moon. Think about it: no sun first of all to burn your skin, no bathers or jetskiers to bother the fish and you, and there is silence and s...

How To Use Berley

Berley ( or Burley ) and Berley Bombs are a very effective way to attract fish. It can make the difference of coming home empty handed or with a nice feed. Berley is used to excite fish and to draw...