Hi All...newbie to the Bass scene
Hi Guys
As a youngster, I spent alot of time fishing dams & rivers with my dad. The old "pap gooi" method. Recently, after not having fished in many years, I had an opportunity to do so some bass fishing with a friend in Kwazulu Natal. Man! (pardon the pun...) but I was hooked! We caught plenty in 2 seperate private dams. Not huge fish, max. was probably 1.5kg.
A most pleasant and enjoyable 2 days.
So much that I got back to Gauteng, went out and bought a rod & reel and thats were it went south....I have yet to initiate my new tackle with bass :(
I suppose, if one wants to catch, one needs to travel?
Anyway, I hope to learn much from all of you on these forums.
b.t.w I have been a bit more successful on the carp rod of recent..
As a youngster, I spent alot of time fishing dams & rivers with my dad. The old "pap gooi" method. Recently, after not having fished in many years, I had an opportunity to do so some bass fishing with a friend in Kwazulu Natal. Man! (pardon the pun...) but I was hooked! We caught plenty in 2 seperate private dams. Not huge fish, max. was probably 1.5kg.
A most pleasant and enjoyable 2 days.
So much that I got back to Gauteng, went out and bought a rod & reel and thats were it went south....I have yet to initiate my new tackle with bass :(
I suppose, if one wants to catch, one needs to travel?
Anyway, I hope to learn much from all of you on these forums.
b.t.w I have been a bit more successful on the carp rod of recent..
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14 years ago
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