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Exploring fishing

Greetings. I consider myself a beginner at fishing. I'm in the USA. So far I find this site helpful in terms of knowing good times to go out and fish.

Does anyone have tips for trout fishing in ponds?


Likes: 1 Login to reply 3 weeks ago

Hi Amber, Welcome to Fishing Reminder.

I have never targeted trout. But a lot of people here have and do.

A lot of people use fly gear. But it can be costly. So probably not for a beginner. You can get cheaper fly gear on eBay but still a bit expensive.

Lures and spin gear is also a great method...and a lot cheaper !!

Trout will take live and fresh bait like earth worms, grasshoppers, crickets etc...even maggots.

Use the smallest (lightest) weight you can. You want it just heavy enough to be able to cast. A small bobby float is also a good idea. Remember, the fish are very often a lot closer to the shore than you think. So you don't need to cast out very far.