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reef jack | Category: Introduce yourself

Hungover 8 years ago

Hey Mark there like Fingermark I'm hoping to get something bigger soon

Mark Totzke 8 years ago

haha - I had to look up fingermark - didn't know it was another name for mangrove jacks
Good luck with catching the big ones. How do you prepare them?

a snapper a day keeps the doctor away
mexicanbob 8 years ago

Hi Mark
Fingermark and Mangrove two different fish
Cheers Bob

"Oh Crap not again "
Mark Totzke 8 years ago

o I see. was mixing that up.
they seem to belong to the same family though.

a snapper a day keeps the doctor away
Hungover 8 years ago

Hey Mark like Bob said there 2 different fish, the jacks move out to the reefs when they mature . I've seen them at 10 kg and apparently they get bigger, I just fillet skin and bone then flour, egg wash and panko bread crumbs and cook lightly in oil, yummy.

mexicanbob 8 years ago

G'day Hungover
Biggest Jack I picked up on Morton Is reef 11.5 kg
Pull like a runaway freight train.
Just moved so will post pic later
Cheers Bob

"Oh Crap not again "
Hungover 8 years ago

Nice one Bob can't wait to see photo the guys catching the big ones reckon these are the only ones that they can catch, the others break 10/0 hooks with 150 pound brade and electric deck winches