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Are redfish currently contaminated in Texas? | Category: Introduce yourself

Redeye Hunter 8 years ago

I am always fishing for reds when and if i got time ti do so .
I was wondering if i heard right that there's a caution on fish right now that they are contaminated. Is that true?

Mark Totzke 8 years ago

Hey Redeye Hunter

Where are you fishing?
What did you hear they are contaminated with?


a snapper a day keeps the doctor away
Redeye Hunter 8 years ago

I fish san Luis pass and surf side Freeport Texas. I heard it from local news and internet.

itsaboat 8 years ago

This might be of help. It is the only official source of information.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
Redeye Hunter 8 years ago

Thank you for the information