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Aloha from Kauai

I'd like to introduce my self. My name is Robert and I live on Kauai, the northern most of the main Hawaiian Islands. I am a recreational fisherman and have a 23 ft. fishing boat, the " WE'RE HERE 2". Since I bought my boat 3 years ago I've mostly been trolling, but lately I've been trying to learn to bait. With mixed results

Likes: 0 Login to reply 14 years ago
sorry for the double post.... still figuring this out he he
Gidday Ahislayer. You lucky man! My other boat is 23ft and named Ahi. I used to catch a large number of Yellowfin and other Tuna's from my boat in NZ, but the last few years parked the boat up because the Yellowfin hardly make it to NZ any more due to massive fishing by longliners in the central pacific. A tragedy for us really. Used to do a lot of trolling, but also what we call chumming, similar to the Hawaian "Dropping Stone" method. This was extremely effective and on a good day we might bring in 10 or more yellowfin all over 60lbs for a days fishing using this method. We bottled much of the Tuna, just like tinned salmon. We wasted nothing. Those days seem to be gone now; alas. I do not understand why the International fishing regulators cannot put the brakes on the slaughter going on in the Pacific by commercial operators.