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Using a kite for casting?

I've been reading about how kite fishing has become really popular in Florida for salt water, big-game fishing. Since I don't have the $$$ or boat for big-game fishing, been wondering if anyone has tried to use a kite just for casting purposes? I usually fish for catfish or trout from lake-shore.

I was thinking about trying 3-way barrel swivel, tied off about 20 feet from the kite, just to take my bait/lure out away from shore. The kite would be on a separate reel with 10 to 20 lb. test. After getting out about 80% of the fishing reel's capacity, lock in the fishing line and let the kite pull some type of tether out to drop my bait/lure line. Then reel in the kite back in for another cast.

Likes: 0 Login to reply 13 years ago
I would think it would be possible
Kitefishing is quite popular in New Zealand.

Check out Pauls Kite fishing

There is some information on how fishingkites are used.

Its quite a boring fishing style from my perspective. Because you use long lines and have to wait for so long. There is not much finesse involved. You don't play the fish or anything.
After a long wait you just haul in the long line with a winch and collect the fish.

Good if you're just after a feed and have a big family 😛

Although they also sell very small kites that can be attached to just a normal surfcasting setup and only take out a small one or two hook rig.

That might be more exciting and you wouldn't need much extra gear like long lines and winch.
wow never heard of this ! Great Ideas, wonder what ole' Benjamin Franklin would have thought of this ? lol. I really want to try this, we have some good spots on Bull Shoals lake for this, even large rivers could be done . Take it easy, and Tight Lines, AJ
yeah just need to wait for the right wind direction and speed :-)

Also popular in new zealand is Kontiki Fishing.
You'd use a electric motorized craft that takes out your long line.
Dont depend on wind - but its much more expensive.

check it out:

The traditional Kontikis looked more like a miniature sail boat.
Here is a bit information on the history of Kontiki fishing in New Zealand:
IF Kontiki fishing costs are close to a kayak , would rather use the kayak ! THanks again, AJ
I guess it probably even costs more then a kayak :-)

I'd vote for a kayak too.