Fishing Reminder

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Number of fish | Category: Feedback and Suggestions

pkay 11 years ago

I subscribed today, this is a well designed website and I love it!
Thanks Mark

Yesterday I caught 5 fish of the same species. Is there a 'quantity' choice?

markt 11 years ago

Hi pkay

Thanks for the thumbs up. Glad you love the site.
I haven't got a quantity field in there yet - thanks for asking.
Will be adding this as soon as I can over the next few weeks.

You can just make a note of the quantity and then update it once I added the field.

The fishing diary will get an overhaul and I'll also add some nice reporting tools and timelines of your catches. So bear with me - just have to finish the current updates I'm working on at the moment before I can focus on the diary.

tight lines

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles.