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fishing times predictions | Category: Feedback and Suggestions

Jimbo Mackinnon 8 years ago

Hello i'm just wondering is your prediction on this site about fishing spot on thankyou.

itsaboat 8 years ago

Hi Jimbo,

Welcome to Fishingreminder.

Interesting question you have there...The short answer is YES.

The long answer is...If you expect the fishing forecasts and best / poor day predictions to work, then you need to use them in conjunction with your knowledge, skills and abilities.

What sort of fishing are you doing? Beach, boat, live baiting, ballooning, fly etc ? Or are you like me, a bit of everything? Actually, I have not tried fly fishing, but I understand the basics of it.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
itsaboat 8 years ago

This might also be of help

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
Jimbo Mackinnon 8 years ago

I fish on lake Illawarra in one of the bays saltwater fishing I do alright flathead and bream.

itsaboat 8 years ago

Mate...I grew up there !!

My Mum lives on Peterborough Ave Lake Illawarra (Warilla).

I know that lake like the back of my hand...I used to camp days on end over on "Bull" island and mossie island. Do you remember the bull??

I was a kid and we lived on Oaklands, Windang. The Blue Dolphin was still there then...The Blue Dolphin has long since gone...But the Bull will live on for ever in the memories of those of us that got to know him...

I rounded him up one day. He didn't like it and my sticks and string pen agreed...I reckoned I was the only kid with a genuine fairdikum true blue Aussie "bull-sniff" tent !! Cos the old fella came and sniffed my tent one day when I was camped....Oh the memories...I was down that way just a couple of months ago. Now stuck house sitting well west of Wagga.

I don't like what the lake authority has done to the lake. But I guess they are trying their best.

I spent many a day camping on gooseberry island on the Warrawong end of the lake. I once paddled an 8 foot canoe from the police boys club (Warilla) right across to Gooseberry, fully loaded with camp gear and 20lt of water for a 5 day camp...CRAZY !!!

You say "bays". ?? I take it you are over Oak Flats - Dapto way ??

The work the lake authority have done has changed the way the lake works...But I can still put you on to some good spots.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
Jimbo Mackinnon 8 years ago

What a small world meeting someone who lived down the road, I live at primbee and fish out the back on the lake at Griffth bay do you know if the fish times on this site have the same effects on lake Illawarra.

itsaboat 8 years ago

Sorry, I had some sudden computer problem...

Yes, it is a small world.

I think the fishing times would still be a valuable tool to use. But it is not a be all and end all solution. It needs to be used in conjunction with other factors. The biggest factor for you would be that your 'bay' is not natural.

That stretch of flat land from Primbee to Warrawong used to be all used car yards...and before that it was the lakes northern entrance. It really does not matter what the lake authority does in the south, the lake is meant to have a northern entrance and with out it the lake is slowly dieing.

So the answer is yes, the fishing times are still a useful tool. Would they have the same affect as other places, I don't know because your bay is not even supposed to be there.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !