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Can't print Fishing Calendar for February 2017

Can you guys update the Februar 2017 calendar (For Nelligen NSW Australia) so I can print it. The web site is showing 2xMarch 2017 & NO February.
Likes: 0 Login to reply 8 years ago
Hi britty,

thanks for letting us know. The issues is fixed now.

cheers and happy fishing
Oh, Nelligen. Great spot !!

I lived at Cullendulla for a few years between finishing with the Army and joing the RAAF.

Do you have a boat? If you come from Nelligen towards B'Bay there is a small isle. On the shore side of that isle is a hole. A deep hole. I found it one day with the sounder. It is not very big, if you blink you will miss it. Drop a squid bait there...Trust me, you might want some heavy line and a good drag system :)
