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The most UNWANTED fish

We have been encountering barracuda frequently while fishing, and we lost a lot of our expensive lures because they can just cut the line with their shape teeth. Any tips on how to avoid catching barracuda and losing gear to them?  
Likes: 1 Login to reply 9 months ago
maybe use a leader just in case you do catch one.
That was my first thought too.

But it would have to be a wire leader which would have an adverse affect on the action of the lure.
what type of fish are you trying to catch?
We usually fish for table fish like snapper, blue cod, and Kahawai(similar to Australian Salmon). Here in New Zealand, Barracuda are not very popular for eating because they have worms.
Only other thing is get rid of them! Relocate slowly, but surely
they also like shiny objects, so maybe try not to use very shiny lures
That's why we've lost a lot of metal jigs to them, lol! We enjoy fishing with small metal jigs, but barracudas will go for any type of lure or bait. Unfortunately, we've also lost soft baits, stick baits, hooks, and so on :'( We tried using a steel leader, but it seemed to interfere with the lure action, resulting in fewer bites from other fish.
what is the normal day for you in New Zealand
We fish all over NZ, mostly in the North Island where we didn't have this problem. There, we encountered more sharks, leading to gear loss. However, currently, we are in the South Island where barracudas are causing issues.
you catch sharks?
Sharks are a common catch all around New Zealand and Australia.
There are a few types of sharks we can catch here. :D
Some, like the Rig shark (lemon fish), are sought after for eating, while others, such as spiny dogfish, hammerhead, bronze whaler, and sevengill sharks, are considered nuisances, like barracuda. 
I'm not sure if you can catch great whites, but they are also around.
did you get a look at? how big you reckon? Quite a scary catch on a kayak, haha.
how often do you go fishing? I go 2-3 times a week
Anything you can do is use a leader and pray that they don’t bite