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why people couldn't catch fishes on 4star day? | Category: Fishing Talk

umehr 9 years ago

I read on this website that last Sunday on Oct.26 was one of the best fishing day I.e. it was rated as 4 star. I went to a ariver near our city at Major time and there were approximately 20-25 people who came for fishing. I did stay there for 6 hours. Only two men caught one fish each and none of other 20-23 people caught any fish.

Does this forecasting is only for sea or it should also work for rivers and Lakes?

Any comments

markt 9 years ago

Hi there

the forecasts works for lakes and rivers too.
If there was only one fish caught between 25 people I would assume that there weren't many fish around. Maybe they were spooked off by all the anglers, boats, etc. Or perhaps not the right season?

For lakes and rivers it's sometimes a good idea to go before sunrise.
Especially if you go on a busy weekend, it pays to start fishing before everyone else arrives.
Check out those days when the best fishing times are just around sunrise or sunset.

better luck next time.


If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles.