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Placing the bait | Category: Fishing Talk

abdulla265 7 years ago

Okay so I'm actually not that good at fishing but I've been getting some fish this while, I've always had this question, How do I correctly place shrimp pieces onto the hook, My hook is like size #16(Idk if thats known universally, but thats what its labelled with) I cut the shrimps into squares, and whenever I cast, i start feeling bites, actually the fish just eats from the sides, i try my best to try and keep the bait stable but the fish just manages to eat the shrimp alone and not the hook, could someone just reply with a link to a video or something that would help, thanks in advance

Gramps43 7 years ago

Abdulla, a #16 seems rather small unless you're trying to catch small hand sized fish. If you are going for bigger fish, say the size that would make a good meal, I would say use a bigger hook. Maybe a #10 and use the whole shrimp, that's assuming the shrimp to be about the size of a crooked little finger, if larger use just the tail. For smaller shrimp run the hook in just behind the head and continue into the tail bringing the hook out about 5 mm from the fan. This will give a more natural look to the fish. For larger shrimp cut the head and guts off and run the hook down the tail and again come out the 5 mm from the fan to get that natural look. Good luck and happy fishing.

Dennis in Tillamook, OR USA