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Fishing buddy ! | Category: Fishing Talk

itsaboat 7 years ago

Good on him !!!

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
Mark Totzke 7 years ago

interesting story. Quite amazing that the good old Mati Batsinilas even paid the flight ticket for him to Brisbane.

a snapper a day keeps the doctor away
itsaboat 7 years ago

Yeah, I noticed that Mati Batsinilas paid for the flight...

I think Mati deserves a bloody big cheer and an even bigger pat on the back...But then again he is obviously a True Blue Aussie fisherman

Which reminds me, I never got a reply from the old bloke down south. If you read this, I am still willing and up for it, if you want to going fishing at Cerberus.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !