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Bass Fishing is in Full Gear in Ohio | Category: Fishing Talk

Rawhide 5 years ago

Hello Fishermen,

In two trips to a pond that is 4 1/2 acres, I have caught 106 Bass Largest 2 lb. I caught 80 Bass in 2 hrs. using TRDs in orange and green with brown 2 3/4" 4/9/19. On 4/4/19, I caught 26 Bass using the Livingston Frog with spinning feet over beds and close to the bank. Also a 4 inch ringworm in Blue with green flakes. These are the bait I used. I just walked the bank. The largest fish I have caught is a 5 1/2 lb. Bass here. This is a public pond for catch and release, but I have been told that people come after dark and take fish out. I have caught an 8lb. pound Channel cat here 3 years ago.
I have also put 7 Grass carp and 100 Channel Catfish in this pond, paid out of my pocket. Anyone's pond I fish in I try to respect, their pond usage.

itsaboat 5 years ago

106 in two trips is pretty good going. Thanks for sharing.

It does not matter what you do, there will always be bad people that just want to ruin it for everyone else.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !