Today is Thursday 20.
Tomorrow is 21. The last day of school holidays.
Monday 24 is the first day back at school.
Tuesday 25 is ANZAC Day (public holiday)
The first day back at school is usually always a "pupil free day". Even if it is not a pupil free day, no parent is going to send their kids to school on Monday, just to have Tuesday off.
Wednesday, will be the first day in 3 years that ticks all the boxes for me to take the camper to the river and do an over nighter and catch me a Murray Cod...No flood waters, no fires, no rain, no snakes AND no kids !!....And you give me 2 stars. First day in 3 years that ticks all the boxes and you give me 2 stars ?? Then, just to ice the cake, you expect me to get up at 3 O"CLOCK in the morning !!!
If I catch a cod and post the pics, I will expect lots of likes and shares...or there will be further complaints !! :)

Hahaha...Unbelievable, several days of 4 stars and the planned day - 2 stars. hahaha
Tomorrow is 21. The last day of school holidays.
Monday 24 is the first day back at school.
Tuesday 25 is ANZAC Day (public holiday)
The first day back at school is usually always a "pupil free day". Even if it is not a pupil free day, no parent is going to send their kids to school on Monday, just to have Tuesday off.
Wednesday, will be the first day in 3 years that ticks all the boxes for me to take the camper to the river and do an over nighter and catch me a Murray Cod...No flood waters, no fires, no rain, no snakes AND no kids !!....And you give me 2 stars. First day in 3 years that ticks all the boxes and you give me 2 stars ?? Then, just to ice the cake, you expect me to get up at 3 O"CLOCK in the morning !!!
If I catch a cod and post the pics, I will expect lots of likes and shares...or there will be further complaints !! :)

Hahaha...Unbelievable, several days of 4 stars and the planned day - 2 stars. hahaha
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1 year ago
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