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Anyone near Camdenton Missouri | Category: Fishing Talk

Kim Cina 10 months ago

Guys, we have fallen trees in the river and the water won’t flow. Is anyone near this area to help us this weekend. I can provide the food and beer.

dazzling79 10 months ago

Good on you Kim👍! I hope you get some help from the locals! The river has to flow!!!👏🏻

itsaboat 10 months ago

Hey Kim,

Hows the recovery going? You should be pretty well fighting fit by now.

You should post this in the photo section too. A lot of people just use their smart phones and only look at the pics.

I am in Australia, so to far away to help...but that might depend on just how much beer is involved

EDIT: We have also shared it on Facebook. So the word is out there.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !