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What is it - SOLVED - BCF | Category: Fishing Talk

itsaboat 11 months ago

I saw this in my local tackle shop today.

I asked the staff about it. But even they were not sure. Next time I go to town I will buy one if they still have them. They only had 2 left in the clearance bin.

It is a single point hook with 2 eyes in a "Y" shape. I think the packet called it a stinger hook. But I cannot for the life of me work out how it is used. I cannot find anything on line about it.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
Mark Totzke 11 months ago

probably not what it is, but it reminds me of a spinnerbait.
could use it like that and attach a small blade at top eye with a split ring or a maybe a small additional stinger hook...

a snapper a day keeps the doctor away
itsaboat 11 months ago

No, nothing like it.

It appears to be a solid Y shape. So if you looked directly down it would look like a "Y". But if you looked side on it looks like a "J".

It is in a blister pack. There appeared to be a heat shrink cover at the Y junction. Maybe the V part of the Y is cord not wire. Otherwise I cannot see how you would attach the line to it.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
itsaboat 11 months ago

I just got off the phone to BCF.


I told them I would give them a shout out - BCF
It is for "creature lures".

The hook is a solid wire Y. The creature lures like mouse, duck, frog etc have 2 hooks. But because of the shape of the lures it is hard to get a hook up with a fish. The 2 eyes go over the 2 hooks on the lure giving a single "stinger" hook at the back of the lure.

This is looking down on a duck lure. You can see the 2 hooks. So the eyes of the Y hook go over each lure hook.

This is a side view of a frog lure.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
Mark Totzke 11 months ago

Interesting that they make specific hooks for that.
But it makes sense to use a stinger hook in this case as the hooks on these lures are so tight, looks like there's not much of a hook up chance without it.
Good on you for ringing them up and getting to the bottom of that riddle

a snapper a day keeps the doctor away
itsaboat 11 months ago

Yeah. I looked at these lures some years ago when they first come out. My look was so short that I didn't even know they are called "creature lures".

My first reaction was, no, you can't hook up a fish on that. Lucky if you could get 1 in 100 strikes to be a hook up. They are usually soft plastic but the hooks are so close to the body, they never had me hooked.

Yes, specific to those lures...I guess my "scientifically" proven fool proof never fail method of "looks about right" just does not apply in this case.

He told me the bat lure is very affective in this area. I might give it a go.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
itsaboat 11 months ago

I found this online -

EDIT: I just notice he says it's not quite straight...But then says it's about right...YES. My "scientifically" proven fool proof method of "looks about right" in action !!!

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
MARYNME 10 months ago

Oh please!! have a look at the hook end - a twisted piece of very thin wire; the eyelets are not even symetrical - full blown hoax if I have ever seen one. Been fishing for 65 years and know what wire looks like! Fess up boys.

itsaboat 10 months ago


itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !