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Anyone in the UK? | Category: Fishing Talk

Esskie 13 years ago

Hi there,
I'm located in S.E Scotland so my usual fishing is done in the North Sea, however I do like to take wee trips over to the west coast near Oban or Fort William to fish the sea lochs such as Loch Etive, Lochinne and Loch Sunart.

Species can be spurdog, thornback rays, common skate, ling, cod & pollack down to the smaller stuff like whiting, pout, poor cod, gurnard, lesser spotted dogfish and sea scorpions

In true fishing tradition the lochs can fish differently each visit with some trips seeing almost a fish a drop and others complete blanks

As usual at this time of year between winter and spring the shore fishing here is poor with the winter cod run over and the spring run not started yet, all there are to catch are dabs, whiting and the odd coalfish or 'coalie' as they are known locally......this is the S.E coast I'm talking about by the way, the west coast still offers rays & other members of the shark family

Anyway I'm jawing on again but I thought I'd put my self out there as the forum is very quiet, lets hear from all you other members, where are you from?, what's the fishing like where you are at the moment?, what kind of fish are you catching and on what etc?

I'd love to hear about fishing in some of the places I'll only ever dream of fishing lol

Cheers, Andy