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how to select time format - 12 hour or 24 hour | Category: Fishing Reports

wesbrg 7 years ago

I need my fishing reports in 12 hour format not military time can u send future reports in 12 hour format I don't know military time or if its daytime or nite please send all updates to best fishing times in 12 hour and if its day time or nite, thank u.......wes

Mark Totzke 7 years ago

Hi Wes,

If you click on Display Settings on the Main Page, you can change to 12 hour format.


a snapper a day keeps the doctor away
Mark Totzke 7 years ago

I just double checked - seems like the display settings are being currently ignored when sending out the emails reminders.
I'll get it fixed ASAP.
Anyhow, make sure your Display setting are set to 12h, the next reminders should then come our properly time-formatted.


a snapper a day keeps the doctor away
AndyS 7 years ago

I would also like real time. Should be easy to change, but it's not.

itsaboat 7 years ago

As Mark said. Just click on "Fishing Times" (top left of every page). Then click on "Display Settings". Simple

I find the 24 hour easier. Don't have to worry about AM and PM. If you can count to 24 you are good to go. With AM / PM you have to first know if it is AM or PM and then count to 12...1800 hours or 6 o'clock ?? 1800 hours is 1800 hours. 6 o'clock could be 6 AM or 6 PM.

I know the 24 hour system is used by military for day to day work. But, for big boys with big toys type stuff, most military use Zulu time.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
AndyS 7 years ago

Thanks! I did what you said and changed the time.

wesbrg 7 years ago

ok thank u makes it best to plan trips to the lake 2 hrs to best crappie fishing in the winter thanks wes