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Bait Run Tomorrow

The shad are easier to find in the afternoon now that it's getting colder. They will be close to the bank in the sun warmed water.
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Got to the lake about noon and found some bait and then made a couple of drifts. Thinking I may have been a little early for finding my bait. Picked up a 14#, 18#, 4#, 3#, and a 2#. By this time it is late enough to try for bait again. I now have enough bait to last the weekend.
First day of wind change and still caught some fish. We lost a couple of real good ones. In fact, one of them was so big.....we probably didn't have room on the boat for him anyway.
Check out this cat!
You may recognize these guys from yesterday. Repeat customers are great. Federico and his buddy Oliver can't get enough fishing in just one day. I know they will be back again soon. Especially after the ones that got away.
Here is a release video. Sorry for the wind noise.
We had some nice box fish too.
Carp was the preferred bait today.