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Kemp in Modisi, ID | Category: Hunting Camp

uyo Pamondolang 1 year ago

Kemp saya di Modisi, ID

itsaboat 1 year ago

Welcome to Fishing Reminder.

So you live in Modisi Indonesia ?

What is the fishing like there?

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
uyo Pamondolang 1 year ago

Ya saya tinggal di Modisi, Indonesia.
mancing di Modisi sangat bagus karena banyak spot mancing yang sangat bagus untuk para penangkap ikan

Mark Totzke 1 year ago

😂😂😂😂 luckily we have google translate 🎣🎣

a snapper a day keeps the doctor away
uyo Pamondolang 1 year ago

Heheh 😁😂

uyo Pamondolang 1 year ago

fishing in Modisi is very good because there are many fishing spots which are very good for fish catchers

itsaboat 1 year ago

Hahaha...Don't worry about Mark. He is a German New Zealander that comes from Korea and pretends to speak Australian !! hahaha

Oh, yeah, he also is the owner of this web site and founder of Fishing Reminder...But don't "remind" him of that because it goes to his head !! hahaha

We all smile and laugh in the same language...Well, except for those New Zealand people - no one understands them. Even Google Translate can't work what they are saying !!

If your Indonesian sense of humor is any thing like our Aussie sense of humor, then you might like this...

You are welcome here, Uyo, and using "translate" is very little cost for your friendship.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
uyo Pamondolang 1 year ago

Yea like that