Port-de-Bouc 🇫🇷
Nautical Twilight begins:06:58 amSunrise:08:02 am
Sunset:05:43 pmNautical Twilight ends:06:47 pm
Moonrise:03:51 am
Moonset:12:39 pm
Moon over:08:15 am
Moon under:08:48 pm
- Waning Crescent
Distance to earth:400,000 kmProximity:13.4 %
Moon Phases for Port-de-Bouc
good Day
minor Time:02:51 am - 04:51 am
major Time:07:15 am - 09:15 am
minor Time:11:39 am - 01:39 pm
major Time:07:48 pm - 09:48 pm
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Fri, 24 Jan
07:15 am -
09:15 am
07:48 pm -
09:48 pm
02:51 am -
04:51 am
11:39 am -
01:39 pm
R: 08:02 am S: 05:43 pm |
R: 03:51 am S: 12:39 pm |
Waning Crescent |
Sat, 25 Jan
08:08 am -
10:08 am
08:40 pm -
10:40 pm
03:57 am -
05:57 am
12:19 pm -
02:19 pm
R: 08:01 am S: 05:44 pm |
R: 04:57 am S: 01:19 pm |
Waning Crescent |
Sun, 26 Jan
09:04 am -
11:04 am
09:32 pm -
11:32 pm
05:00 am -
07:00 am
01:09 pm -
03:09 pm
R: 08:00 am S: 05:45 pm |
R: 06:00 am S: 02:09 pm |
Waning Crescent |
Mon, 27 Jan
10:04 am -
12:04 pm
10:27 pm -
12:27 am
05:56 am -
07:56 am
02:12 pm -
04:12 pm
R: 07:59 am S: 05:47 pm |
R: 06:56 am S: 03:12 pm |
Waning Crescent |
Tue, 28 Jan
11:03 am -
01:03 pm
10:44 pm -
12:44 am
06:42 am -
08:42 am
03:24 pm -
05:24 pm
R: 07:58 am S: 05:48 pm |
R: 07:42 am S: 04:24 pm |
New Moon |
Wed, 29 Jan
12:00 pm -
02:00 pm
11:45 pm -
01:45 am
07:19 am -
09:19 am
04:42 pm -
06:42 pm
R: 07:57 am S: 05:49 pm |
R: 08:19 am S: 05:42 pm |
New Moon |
Thu, 30 Jan
12:42 am -
02:42 am
12:55 pm -
02:55 pm
07:49 am -
09:49 am
06:01 pm -
08:01 pm
R: 07:56 am S: 05:51 pm |
R: 08:49 am S: 07:01 pm |
New Moon |
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Port-de-Bouc area
Harbours and Marinas can often times be productive fishing spots for land based fishing as their sheltered environment attracts a wide variety of bait fish. Similar to river mouths, harbour entrances are also great places to fish as lots of fish will move in and out with the rising and falling tides. There are 2 main harbours in this area.
Anse de Lauron - 7km, Port de la Pointe de Berre - 15km
We found a total of 46 potential fishing spots nearby Port-de-Bouc. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Pointe Baumasse - 1km , Cap d'Aiguade - 1km , Pointe de la Lèque - 1km , Pointe de Canal-Vieil - 2km , Étang de Caronte - 3km , Pointe de Auguette - 3km , Étang d'Engrenier - 4km , Pointe Castagnole - 4km , Golfe de Fos - 4km , Pointe Mauvais-Pays - 5km , Canal Baussengue - 5km , Pointe Boucanet - 5km , Étang de l'Estomac - 5km , Anse de Saint-Gervais - 5km , Canal Galiffet - 6km , Canal Saint-Sébastien - 6km , Anse de Lauron - 7km , Étang de Lavalduc - 7km , Pointe de Bonnieu - 7km , Anse de Bonnieu - 7km , Pointe Donnelle - 8km , Anse du Ranquet - 8km , Grau de Galéjon - 9km , Anse du Repos - 9km , Pointe Roquetaillade - 10km , Pointe de Carro - 10km , Anse du Verdon - 10km , Pointe Noire - 11km , Cap Couronne - 11km , Étang de Berre - 11km , Étang de la Roque - 11km , Pointe Riche - 11km , Étang de Gloria - 11km , Île Aragnon - 12km , Étang du Galéjon - 12km , Étang du Caban - 13km , Étang de l'Olivier - 13km , Baie de Saint-Chamas - 14km , Bourdigue de Châteauneuf - 14km , Port de la Pointe de Berre - 15km , Étang de Grande Palun - 15km , Grande Bourdigue - 16km , Petite Bourdigue - 16km , Étang du Landres - 16km , Pointe de Berre - 16km , Étang de Bolmon - 16km