🇳🇿 last kingfish before national covid19 lockdown by Mark Totzke
last kingfish before national covid19 lockdown


4 years ago by itsaboat
What? They are going to stop fishing ??? We should give them pollies some curry methinks :)
4 years ago by dazzling79
No fishing no hunting! Getting fish and meat from the shelves is allowed.
4 years ago by Mark Totzke
yeah man - can you believe it - fishing is not allowed. Probably to stop people from congregating at boat ramps or calling the coast guards when they break down or get lost. But looks like not even surf casting is okay because it breaks the 'stay at home' rule. You're only allowed to go for a quick walk.
4 years ago by sallad61
hey mark, nice kingy mate but told you some weird things are going to start happening after 5G becomes the norm!. if you dont buy a 5G device guess what the companies wont be able to afford to run it !DONT BUY 5g devices & save our planet people,the places that had 5G testing are the cities with highest death rates..I`m a IT admin by the way.??
4 years ago by itsaboat
WOW....Crikey...You might be onto something....The last major pandemic was 2009 swine flu...1.4 BILLION infected and 575,000 dead....CRICKEY - 14 December 2009 was the first 4G launched in Sweden (and a couple of other places because they didn't have 1,400 MILLION people in Sweden to infect)....By the way, I am a qualified cook and I sometimes catch fish and I am NEVER going to buy toilet paper again until they bring out 7G...haha
4 years ago by sallad61
Hey Itsaboat go chekout the name Frank Clegg& read what he knows
4 years ago by itsaboat
Do you mean Glegg the nutcase? The Glegg that thinks a "doctor writing a note" is scientific proof that the world is flat and we should all be wearing foil hats to stop the alien invasion? You mean THAT Glegg ?? Yes ? Well, I am pretty sure that even Nutcase Glegg does not believe that a biological weapon created in China and accidentally released killing 10,000's of people around the world was caused by the 5G network...but strager things have happened :)
4 years ago by Mark Totzke
Is that Clegg or Glegg an Australian? I can only find Leatherworks under this name. No idea what you're both talking about. Must be some insider knowledge :) But please don't turn my nice kingfish photo into a conspiracy theory discussion ??
4 years ago by itsaboat
Frank Clegg former CEO Microsoft Canada. He is a nutter...haha....Sorry my typo it is C...Don't worry your kingfish is safe :)
4 years ago by sallad61
Itsaboat I dont know anything about a world being flat?, but 5G was designed as weapon, hey I worry that the way the earth is that our past time of fishing could be gone if we dont look after it better. Enjoy fishing all?
4 years ago by sallad61
Sorry mark hope you enjoy the King it is a thumper?
4 years ago by Mark Totzke
no worries, cheers. Something to look into over the next weeks of lockdown ?

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