🇳🇿 That's why a butterfish is also known as greenbone by Mark Totzke
That's why a butterfish is also known as greenbone


2 years ago by dazzling79
Where is all the meat gone to?
2 years ago by Mark Totzke
2 years ago by itsaboat
Grouper also have greenish blue bones.
2 years ago by Mark Totzke
cool, I didn't know that. Grouper are still on my bucket list ?
2 years ago by itsaboat
I suppose you could try using a bucket...But if it were me, I would use red crab for bait !! haha
2 years ago by dazzling79
@itsaboat HAHAHA Put a bucket on the hook for bait!
2 years ago by Gloria van der westhuizen
I think some of the writers have been smoking blue hash by their answers. There are quite a number of fish with blue bone. All quite safe and tasty eating. There is the Black spot tusk fish ?. Plan fish. But the one that seems to exist in many places is the Garfish. This blue Skelton would fit the description
2 years ago by itsaboat
I think you might be right there Gloria !!...The OP simply asked if anyone knows of other fish with greenish-blue bones....and I still reckon a bucket is probably not the best bait choice !! Whether the bucket is on a list or not !!!....I would still use red crab !! haha
2 years ago by Mark Totzke
LOL, blue hash ??? dazzling, don't tell me you were at it again...
2 years ago by Mark Totzke
interesting - seem to be lots of fish around with green bones. I didn't know that. I thought it was quite unique to butterfish.

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