Clarkesville 🇺🇸
Nautical Twilight begins:06:28 amSunrise:07:23 am
Sunset:06:14 pmNautical Twilight ends:07:08 pm
Moonrise:04:22 pm
Moonset:06:25 am
Moon over:11:56 pm
Moon under:11:23 am
Full Moon
Distance to earth:385,082 kmProximity:48.4 %
Moon Phases for Clarkesville
average Day
minor Time:05:25 am - 07:25 am
major Time:10:23 am - 12:23 pm
minor Time:03:22 pm - 05:22 pm
major Time:10:56 pm - 12:56 am
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Mon, 10 Feb
10:23 am -
12:23 pm
10:56 pm -
12:56 am
05:25 am -
07:25 am
03:22 pm -
05:22 pm
R: 07:23 am S: 06:14 pm |
R: 04:22 pm S: 06:25 am |
![]() Full Moon |
Tue, 11 Feb
11:16 am -
01:16 pm
10:45 pm -
12:45 am
06:04 am -
08:04 am
04:28 pm -
06:28 pm
R: 07:22 am S: 06:15 pm |
R: 05:28 pm S: 07:04 am |
![]() Full Moon |
Wed, 12 Feb
12:03 pm -
02:03 pm
11:32 pm -
01:32 am
06:37 am -
08:37 am
05:30 pm -
07:30 pm
R: 07:21 am S: 06:16 pm |
R: 06:30 pm S: 07:37 am |
![]() Full Moon |
Thu, 13 Feb
12:18 am -
02:18 am
12:47 pm -
02:47 pm
07:04 am -
09:04 am
06:31 pm -
08:31 pm
R: 07:20 am S: 06:17 pm |
R: 07:31 pm S: 08:04 am |
![]() Full Moon |
Fri, 14 Feb
12:59 am -
02:59 am
01:28 pm -
03:28 pm
07:28 am -
09:28 am
07:28 pm -
09:28 pm
R: 07:19 am S: 06:18 pm |
R: 08:28 pm S: 08:28 am |
![]() Waning Gibbous |
Sat, 15 Feb
01:40 am -
03:40 am
02:08 pm -
04:08 pm
07:51 am -
09:51 am
08:25 pm -
10:25 pm
R: 07:18 am S: 06:19 pm |
R: 09:25 pm S: 08:51 am |
![]() Waning Gibbous |
Sun, 16 Feb
02:19 am -
04:19 am
02:48 pm -
04:48 pm
08:15 am -
10:15 am
09:21 pm -
11:21 pm
R: 07:16 am S: 06:20 pm |
R: 10:21 pm S: 09:15 am |
![]() Waning Gibbous |
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Clarkesville area
Beaches and Bays are ideal places for land-based fishing. If the beach is shallow and the water is clear then twilight times are usually the best times, especially when they coincide with a major or minor fishing time. Often the points on either side of a beach are the best spots. Or if the beach is large then look for irregularities in the breaking waves, indicating sandbanks and holes. We found 1 beaches and bays in this area.
Athens YMCA Camp Dam - 19km
We found a total of 75 potential fishing spots nearby Clarkesville. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Judge I Homer Sutton Bridge - 1km , Habersham Mills Lake Dam - 4km , Emma Griffin Hardman Bridge - 5km , Beaverdam Creek Structure 42 Dam - 5km , Hazel Creek Structure 19 Dam - 5km , Demorest Lake Dam - 5km , Mathis Lake Dam - 6km , Hazel Creek Structure 12 Dam - 6km , Cannons Bridge - 7km , Soquee River Structure 29 Dam - 7km , Soque Creek Structure 13 Dam - 7km , Thin River Orchard Dam - 8km , Hazel Creek Structure 21 Dam - 8km , Lawson Lake Dam - 9km , Soquee River Structure 36 Dam - 9km , Soquee River Structure 34 Dam - 9km , Hazel Creek Watershed Structure Number Seven Dam - 9km , Lawson Lake Dam Two - 9km , Yoemans Dam - 9km , Hidden Valley Lake Dam - 10km , Todd Dam - 10km , Lower Taylor Lake Dam - 11km , Allen Lake Dam - 11km , Frank Lake Dam - 11km , Smith Island - 11km , Sidney Lanier Bridge - 11km , Buck Island - 11km , Hardman Dam - 12km , Sautee Creek Structure 22 Dam - 12km , Duncan Bridge - 12km , Waters Lake Dam - 12km , Nancy Town Lake Dam - 13km , Fritch Island - 14km , Sautee Creek Structure 18 Dam - 14km , Russell Lake Dam - 14km , North Fork Trestle - 14km , Middle Fork Broad River Structure Two Dam - 15km , North Fork Broad River Dam Number One - 15km , Webster Lake Dam - 15km , Royal Lake Dam - 15km , Broad River Dam Number 1 - 15km , Smith Lake - 15km , Toccoa Water Reservoir Dam - 16km , Pless Pond Dam - 16km , North Fork Broad River Structure Two Dam - 16km , North Fork Broad River Structure Eight Dam - 16km , Mays Lake Dam - 16km , Nacoochee Dam - 16km , Lake Pless Dam - 16km , Dorsey Lake Dam - 17km , Sky Lake Dam - 17km , Middle Fork Broad River Structure Six Dam - 17km , Sautee Creek Watershed Number 13 Dam - 17km , Sims Lake Dam - 18km , Yonah Dam - 18km , Wise Lake Dam - 18km , Warwick Lake Dam - 18km , Crow Island - 18km , Sautee Watershed Number 10 Dam - 18km , Sautee Creek Watershed Number 12 Dam - 18km , Moss Bridge - 18km , North Fork Broad River Structure Three Dam - 18km , Tugaloo Dam - 19km , Anderson Pond Dam - 19km , Athens YMCA Camp Dam - 19km , Haynie Lake Dam - 19km , Cash Lake Dam - 19km , Cherokee Cove - 20km , Wynn Lake Dam - 20km , Brown Bridge - 20km , Persimmon Point - 20km , Dean Lake Dam - 20km , Paul A Green Bridge - 20km , Glass Pond - 20km , North Fork Broad River Structure 10 Dam - 20km
