Independence 🇺🇸
Nautical Twilight begins:06:30 amSunrise:07:30 am
Sunset:05:29 pmNautical Twilight ends:06:29 pm
Moonrise:01:24 am
Moonset:11:39 am
Moon over:06:31 am
Moon under:07:02 pm
- Third Quarter Moon
Distance to earth:404,143 kmProximity:3.6 %
Moon Phases for Independence
average Day
minor Time:12:24 am - 02:24 am
major Time:05:31 am - 07:31 am
minor Time:10:39 am - 12:39 pm
major Time:06:02 pm - 08:02 pm
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Wed, 22 Jan
05:31 am -
07:31 am
06:02 pm -
08:02 pm
12:24 am -
02:24 am
10:39 am -
12:39 pm
R: 07:30 am S: 05:29 pm |
R: 01:24 am S: 11:39 am |
Third Quarter Moon |
Thu, 23 Jan
06:17 am -
08:17 am
06:50 pm -
08:50 pm
01:26 am -
03:26 am
11:08 am -
01:08 pm
R: 07:29 am S: 05:30 pm |
R: 02:26 am S: 12:08 pm |
Third Quarter Moon |
Fri, 24 Jan
07:07 am -
09:07 am
07:39 pm -
09:39 pm
02:31 am -
04:31 am
11:43 am -
01:43 pm
R: 07:29 am S: 05:31 pm |
R: 03:31 am S: 12:43 pm |
Waning Crescent |
Sat, 25 Jan
08:01 am -
10:01 am
08:31 pm -
10:31 pm
03:34 am -
05:34 am
12:28 pm -
02:28 pm
R: 07:28 am S: 05:32 pm |
R: 04:34 am S: 01:28 pm |
Waning Crescent |
Sun, 26 Jan
08:58 am -
10:58 am
09:25 pm -
11:25 pm
04:34 am -
06:34 am
01:23 pm -
03:23 pm
R: 07:27 am S: 05:33 pm |
R: 05:34 am S: 02:23 pm |
Waning Crescent |
Mon, 27 Jan
09:58 am -
11:58 am
10:21 pm -
12:21 am
05:28 am -
07:28 am
02:28 pm -
04:28 pm
R: 07:26 am S: 05:35 pm |
R: 06:28 am S: 03:28 pm |
Waning Crescent |
Tue, 28 Jan
10:56 am -
12:56 pm
11:15 pm -
01:15 am
06:14 am -
08:14 am
03:39 pm -
05:39 pm
R: 07:26 am S: 05:36 pm |
R: 07:14 am S: 04:39 pm |
New Moon |
Indehpendens,Independence,Independens,Indipenduns,andybndns, myzwry,ayndypndns, myzwry,du li cheng,indipendensu,indipendeonseu,Индепенденс,Индипендънс,Индэпенденс,إنديبندنس، ميزوري,ایندیپندنس، میزوری,インディペンデンス,独立城,인디펜던스
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Independence area
Harbours and Marinas can often times be productive fishing spots for land based fishing as their sheltered environment attracts a wide variety of bait fish. Similar to river mouths, harbour entrances are also great places to fish as lots of fish will move in and out with the rising and falling tides. There are 2 main harbours in this area.
Blue Springs Marina - 12km, Jacomo Marina - 14km
We found a total of 62 potential fishing spots nearby Independence. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Union Lake Dam - 6km , Bogler Lake Dam - 6km , Riss Lake Dam - 6km , Horseshoe Lake - 7km , Hines Lake Dam - 7km , Harry S Truman Bridge - 8km , Bales Lake - 9km , Liberty Bend Bridge - 9km , Commandeer Fishing Lakes Upper Dam - 10km , Great Midwest Corporation Dam - 10km , Commandeer Fishing Lakes Incorporated Dam - 10km , Great Midwest Lake Dam - 10km , Carp Lake Dam - 10km , Blue Springs Quad Number 1 Dam - 11km , Shady Lake Dam - 11km , Wildwood Dam - 11km , Lakewood East Dam - 11km , Flaceys Lake - 11km , Lakewood West Dam - 11km , Blue Mills Island (historical) - 11km , Independence Chute (historical) - 11km , Lake Tapawingo Dam - 11km , Blue Springs Marina - 12km , Independence-Liberty Bridge - 12km , The Lagoon - 13km , Little Blue Road Dam - 13km , Paseo Bridge - 13km , Chapel Woods Golf Course Lake Dam - 13km , Lake Jacomo Dam - 14km , Virginia Holding Corporation South Lake Dam - 14km , Virginia Holding Corporation North Lake Dam - 14km , Gregory Boulevard Dam - 14km , Winnetonka Lake Dam - 14km , Catholic Diocese of Kansas City - Saint Joseph Lake Dam - 14km , ASB Bridge - 14km , Jacomo Marina - 14km , Sailboat Cove - 15km , Number 374 Dam - 15km , Number 173 Dam (historical) - 15km , Moore Lake Dam - 15km , Number 79 Dam (historical) - 15km , Odd Fellows Home Lake Dam - 15km , Broadway Bridge - 15km , Unity Lake Number 2 Dam - 15km , Ligget Cove - 15km , Hearth and Home Development Company Lake Dam (historical) - 15km , Number 380 Dam - 16km , Morgan Lake Dam - 16km , Unity Lake Number 1 Dam - 16km , Lewis and Clark Viaduct - 17km , Tharp Orchard Lake Dam - 17km , Christiansen Lake Dam - 17km , Deerhorn Lake Dam - 17km , Enloe Lake Dam - 17km , Harmon Lake Dam - 17km , Prairie Lee Lake Dam - 18km , McCoy Dam - 19km , Longview Dam - 19km , Hodge Park Lake Dam - 19km , Holly Lake Dam - 19km , Sunny Shores Dam - 19km , Oakwood Lake Dam - 20km