Merrimack πΊπΈ
Nautical Twilight begins:06:07Sunrise:07:12
Sunset:16:39Nautical Twilight ends:17:44
Moon over:01:00
Moon under:13:35
- Full Moon
Distance to earth:392,239 kmProximity:31.6 %
Moon Phases for Merrimack
good Day
major Time:00:00 - 02:00
minor Time:07:37 - 09:37
major Time:12:35 - 14:35
minor Time:17:33 - 19:33
Tide Clock
Tide Graph
Tide | Time | Height |
high | 01:41 | 1.72 m |
low | 09:06 | 0.03 m |
high | 13:47 | 1.95 m |
low | 21:45 | -0.07 m |
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase | Tide Times |
Wed, 15 Jan
00:00 -
12:35 -
07:37 -
17:33 -
R: 07:12 S: 16:39 |
R: 18:33 S: 08:37 |
Full Moon |
high: 01:41
, 1.72 m
, Coeff: 87
low: 09:06
, 0.03 m
high: 13:47
, 1.95 m
, Coeff: 109
low: 21:45
, -0.07 m
Thu, 16 Jan
00:49 -
13:22 -
08:02 -
18:42 -
R: 07:12 S: 16:40 |
R: 19:42 S: 09:02 |
Waning Gibbous |
high: 02:24
, 1.71 m
, Coeff: 86
low: 09:52
, 0.04 m
high: 14:31
, 1.90 m
, Coeff: 104
low: 22:27
, -0.04 m
Fri, 17 Jan
01:33 -
14:05 -
08:23 -
19:47 -
R: 07:11 S: 16:41 |
R: 20:47 S: 09:23 |
Waning Gibbous |
high: 03:06
, 1.69 m
, Coeff: 84
low: 10:36
, 0.06 m
high: 15:14
, 1.82 m
, Coeff: 97
low: 23:08
, -0.00 m
Sat, 18 Jan
02:14 -
14:45 -
08:41 -
20:50 -
R: 07:10 S: 16:43 |
R: 21:50 S: 09:41 |
Waning Gibbous |
high: 03:48
, 1.67 m
, Coeff: 82
low: 11:21
, 0.09 m
high: 15:57
, 1.73 m
, Coeff: 88
low: 23:48
, 0.04 m
Sun, 19 Jan
02:54 -
15:25 -
08:58 -
21:52 -
R: 07:10 S: 16:44 |
R: 22:52 S: 09:58 |
Waning Gibbous |
high: 04:29
, 1.64 m
, Coeff: 79
low: 12:07
, 0.11 m
high: 16:42
, 1.64 m
, Coeff: 79
Mon, 20 Jan
03:44 -
16:04 -
09:15 -
22:54 -
R: 07:09 S: 16:45 |
R: 23:54 S: 10:15 |
Third Quarter Moon |
low: 00:29
, 0.09 m
high: 05:11
, 1.62 m
, Coeff: 77
low: 12:55
, 0.14 m
high: 17:30
, 1.54 m
, Coeff: 70
Tue, 21 Jan
04:25 -
16:45 -
09:34 -
23:57 -
R: 07:08 S: 16:46 |
R: - S: 10:34 |
Third Quarter Moon |
low: 01:12
, 0.13 m
high: 05:56
, 1.59 m
, Coeff: 74
low: 13:47
, 0.15 m
high: 18:21
, 1.46 m
, Coeff: 62
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Merrimack area
Beaches and Bays are ideal places for land-based fishing. If the beach is shallow and the water is clear then twilight times are usually the best times, especially when they coincide with a major or minor fishing time. Often the points on either side of a beach are the best spots. Or if the beach is large then look for irregularities in the breaking waves, indicating sandbanks and holes. We found 1 beaches and bays in this area.
Campbell Pond - 16km
We found a total of 99 potential fishing spots nearby Merrimack. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Merrimack Village Dam - 1km , Horseshoe Pond - 2km , Duck Pond - 3km , Rocky Hill Pond - 3km , Darrah Pond - 5km , Greens Pond - 5km , Half Moon Pond - 5km , Naticook Lake Dam - 5km , Beaver Ponds - 6km , Fields Bridge - 6km , Perch Pond - 6km , Baboosic Lake - 7km , Bowers Dam - 7km , Clark Island - 7km , Common Pond - 7km , Holt Dam - 7km , Sebbins Pond - 7km , Goffs Falls Dam - 8km , Harris Pond Dam - 8km , High Point - 8km , Little Baboosic Lake - 8km , Little Honey Pot Pond - 8km , Round Pond - 8km , Supply Pond Dam - 8km , Washer Cove - 8km , Dream Lake - 9km , Farley Brook Dam - 9km , Honey Pot Pond - 9km , Webster Smith Dam - 9km , Carthagina Island - 10km , Damon Pond - 10km , Jakes Pond - 10km , Lincoln Pond - 10km , Pennichuck Pond - 10km , Woodbury Estate Pond Dam - 10km , Nutt Pond - 11km , Robinson Pond - 11km , Bate Pond - 12km , Crystal Lake - 12km , Fearon Farm Pond Dam - 12km , Glen Echo Pond - 12km , Indian Head - 12km , Jackson Plant Dam - 12km , Kendall Pond Dam - 12km , Little Ottarnic Pond - 12km , McMahons Pond - 12km , Nashua Canal Dike - 12km , Ottarnic Pond - 12km , Queen City Bridge - 12km , Taylor Falls Bridge - 12km , Dunklee Pond Dam - 13km , Horns Pond - 13km , Improved Machinery Pond Dam - 13km , International Paper Box Company Dam - 13km , Londonderry Treatment Lagoon Dike - 13km , Long Pond - 13km , Maddening Ponds - 13km , Melendys Pond - 13km , Milford Town Dam - 13km , Mine Falls Dam - 13km , Parker Pond - 13km , Sandy Pond - 13km , Scobie Pond - 13km , Wheeler Pond - 13km , The Basin - 14km , The Fang - 14km , Flints Pond - 14km , Granite Street Bridge - 14km , Haydens Mill Pond Dam - 14km , Hoods Pond Dam - 14km , Joe English Pond - 14km , Kelleys Falls Dam - 14km , Massabesic Lake Dam - 14km , Nazaire-Biron Bridge - 14km , Amoskeag Dam - 15km , Birch Island - 15km , Fletcher Island - 15km , Grape Islands - 15km , Ice Pond - 15km , Lower Shields Pond - 15km , Massabesic Lake - 15km , Osgood Pond Dam - 15km , Rainbow Lake - 15km , Roby Pond - 15km , Silver Lake - 15km , Uncanoonuc Lake Dam Number 2 - 15km , West Bridge - 15km , Amoskeag Bridge - 16km , Beaver Brook Dam - 16km , Beaver Lake Dam - 16km , Browns Island - 16km , Campbell Pond - 16km , High Service Distribution Reservoir Dam - 16km , Melendy Pond - 16km , Rocky Pond - 16km , Shaky Pond - 16km , Stearns Pond - 16km , Stevens Pond - 16km , Uncanoonuc Lake Dike - 16km