Stockbridge 🇺🇸
Nautical Twilight begins:06:30 amSunrise:07:24 am
Sunset:06:18 pmNautical Twilight ends:07:12 pm
Moonrise:04:28 pm
Moonset:06:25 am
Moon over:11:59 pm
Moon under:11:26 am
Full Moon
Distance to earth:385,082 kmProximity:48.4 %
Moon Phases for Stockbridge
average Day
minor Time:05:25 am - 07:25 am
major Time:10:26 am - 12:26 pm
minor Time:03:28 pm - 05:28 pm
major Time:10:59 pm - 12:59 am
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Mon, 10 Feb
10:26 am -
12:26 pm
10:59 pm -
12:59 am
05:25 am -
07:25 am
03:28 pm -
05:28 pm
R: 07:24 am S: 06:18 pm |
R: 04:28 pm S: 06:25 am |
![]() Full Moon |
Tue, 11 Feb
11:19 am -
01:19 pm
10:48 pm -
12:48 am
06:05 am -
08:05 am
04:33 pm -
06:33 pm
R: 07:23 am S: 06:19 pm |
R: 05:33 pm S: 07:05 am |
![]() Full Moon |
Wed, 12 Feb
12:06 pm -
02:06 pm
11:36 pm -
01:36 am
06:38 am -
08:38 am
05:35 pm -
07:35 pm
R: 07:22 am S: 06:20 pm |
R: 06:35 pm S: 07:38 am |
![]() Full Moon |
Thu, 13 Feb
12:21 am -
02:21 am
12:50 pm -
02:50 pm
07:05 am -
09:05 am
06:35 pm -
08:35 pm
R: 07:21 am S: 06:21 pm |
R: 07:35 pm S: 08:05 am |
![]() Full Moon |
Fri, 14 Feb
01:03 am -
03:03 am
01:31 pm -
03:31 pm
07:31 am -
09:31 am
07:32 pm -
09:32 pm
R: 07:20 am S: 06:22 pm |
R: 08:32 pm S: 08:31 am |
![]() Waning Gibbous |
Sat, 15 Feb
01:43 am -
03:43 am
02:11 pm -
04:11 pm
07:54 am -
09:54 am
08:28 pm -
10:28 pm
R: 07:19 am S: 06:23 pm |
R: 09:28 pm S: 08:54 am |
![]() Waning Gibbous |
Sun, 16 Feb
02:21 am -
04:21 am
02:50 pm -
04:50 pm
08:18 am -
10:18 am
09:23 pm -
11:23 pm
R: 07:18 am S: 06:24 pm |
R: 10:23 pm S: 09:18 am |
![]() Waning Gibbous |
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Stockbridge area
Beaches and Bays are ideal places for land-based fishing. If the beach is shallow and the water is clear then twilight times are usually the best times, especially when they coincide with a major or minor fishing time. Often the points on either side of a beach are the best spots. Or if the beach is large then look for irregularities in the breaking waves, indicating sandbanks and holes. We found 1 beaches and bays in this area.
Camp Orr Dam - 11km
We found a total of 100 potential fishing spots nearby Stockbridge. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Askew Lakes-North Dam - 2km , Vulcan Materials Quarry Lake Dam - 3km , Sunset Hills Dam - 4km , Davis Dam - 5km , Lake Spivey Dam - 5km , Lion Country Lake Dam - 5km , Minska Pinska Dam - 5km , Swan Lake Dam - 5km , Clayton County Reservoir Dam - 6km , Dailey Dam - 6km , Hatcher Lake Dam - 6km , Hiram Cook Dam - 6km , Lake Katherine Dam - 6km , Weems Lake Dam - 6km , Bunyon Lake Dam - 7km , Agresearch Lake Dam - 8km , Harbin Dam - 8km , Indian Lake Dam - 8km , Ingram Lake Dam - 8km , Ingram Dam - 8km , Scotts Dam - 8km , County Line Lake Dam - 9km , Drakes Landing Dam - 9km , Frog Pond - 9km , Lake Foster Dam - 9km , Lake Louise Dam - 9km , Lake Shamrock Dam - 9km , Log Cabin Pond - 9km , Pine Wood Shores Lake Dam - 9km , Richmond Pond - 9km , Clayton Junior College Lake Dam - 10km , Drakes Lake Dam - 10km , Lake Erma Dam - 10km , Lonnie Lake Dam - 10km , Upper Haizlip Lake Dam - 10km , Wall Dam - 10km , Camp Orr Dam - 11km , Feagins Dam - 11km , Joy Lake Dam - 11km , Joy Lake West Dam - 11km , Lower Haizlip Lake Dam - 11km , Schinder Dam - 11km , Stephens Lake Dam - 11km , Panola Lake - 11km , Crumbley Lake Dam - 12km , Ganoname999 Dam - 12km , Lake Tara Dam - 12km , Marchman Lake Dam - 12km , Ragan Bridge - 12km , Walkers Bridge - 12km , Beaver Dam - 13km , Flat Bridge - 13km , Kelly Lake Dam - 13km , Lower Alexander Lake Dam - 13km , Upper Alexander Lake Dam - 13km , Ward Lake Dam - 13km , Air Line Bridge - 14km , Crawford Lake Dam - 14km , Greens Bridge - 14km , Hardin Lake Dam - 14km , Lehigh Lake Dam - 14km , McKnight Bridge (historical) - 14km , News Bridge - 14km , Oglesby Bridge - 14km , Sims Bridge - 14km , Suwanee Lake Dam - 14km , Browns Mill Lake Dam - 15km , Green Valley Golf Course Dam - 15km , Lake Murray Dam - 15km , McGarity Lake Dam - 15km , McMillens Bridge - 15km , Mundys Mill Dam - 15km , S H Lake Dam - 15km , Waldrup Bridge - 15km , Cindy Lake Dam - 16km , Belk-Elrod Lake Dam - 16km , Boyds Lake Dam - 16km , Hardeman Dam - 16km , Lake Joy West Dam - 16km , Lake Talmadge Dam - 16km , Monastery Lake Dam - 16km , Club Dam - 17km , Deerun Lake Dam - 17km , Dixons Bridge - 17km , Fausel Lake Dam - 17km , Hermans Lake Dam - 17km , Jones Lake Dam - 17km , Lake Amah Lee Dam - 17km , North Pond Dam - 17km , Steele Dam - 17km , Sterling Lake Dam - 17km , Thames Lake Dam - 17km , Twelve Oaks Lake Dam - 17km , Constitution Lake - 18km , Duggan Lake Dam - 18km , Fievet Lake Dam - 18km , Flakes Dam - 18km , Gilbert Bridge - 18km , Jackson Lake Dam - 18km , Lake Charlotte Dam - 18km
